Energising South African Cities & Towns - City Energy Support Unit

Energising South African Cities & Towns - City Energy Support Unit

Energising South African Cities & Towns - City Energy Support Unit


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• little or no support for the adoptedplan and implement ation,• failure to identify issuescommunity members considerimportant.Use public relations andmedia eventsUse the media to publicise focusgroup workshops, public meetingsand the overall planning process.Consider developing a regularnewsletter that tracks your progressdeveloping goals, objectives,and implementation strategies. Thenewsletter also should feature thepeople who are involved in the sustainablecity plan. Newsletters keeppeople informed and help buildbroad community support.Occasional press events are alsoessential. Feature energy relatedprojects that are already under wayand that bring together some of theproposed goals of your sustainableenergy plan. Low-income energyefficiencyprogrammes, mass transitprogrammes or recycling efforts providetangible success stories.Staying visibleOther ways to stay visible include:• connecting your planningprocess to other importantcity events,• explaining sustainability in thesimplest words possible, such asResistance to changecontinuumInfl uenced by:• Feelings• Perceptions• Experiences• Beliefs• Infl uencesIn 1979 Portland, Oregon was the first major UScity to adopt an energy conservation policy.Then years later, changes in local energy andenvironmental conditions caused local leadersto examine links between energy use andhousing, transportation, solid waste, air andwater quality and business development.Hundreds of citizens and every city departmentwere involved in developing a 1990energy policy with a broader goal of achievinga sustainable energy future.‘meeting today’s needs withoutcompromising the future’.If your community isn’t ready forthe word ‘sustainability,’ use otherwords that link together energy andenvironmental issues and economicdevelopment.It is usually a good idea to developa draft sustainable energy plan withproposed energy goals to start thediscussions. Public participation processescan be expensive, so try to linkthe development of the plan with theIntegrated Development Plan orother community processes run bythe municipality.Identify and use championsSuccessful programmes typicallyhave one thing in common: theyare endorsed by key leaders in thecommunity. These leaders becomechampions for the energy plan.This is a good idea – it worked for meand you should try it tooI’m ready to try this (action)I’m interested – Please tell memore about your ideaYes it’s a problem but if I change it,I might lose something elseYes it’s a problem but I don’t trust this personor agency – too young, what do they know…Yes it is a problem but I don’t trust thissituation / it won’t work hereIt’s a problem but it’s not my responsibility /no timeNo problemYou need to identify and use appropriatechampions.Suggested champions includecity council members, communityleaders, environmental leaders andbusiness owners.Useful education and publicawareness toolsYou will need some tools to helpexplain and convince others of theneed for and benefits of your sustainableenergy goals.Some effective methods are presentationsusing slides or overheadtransparencies, a collection of articleson sustainability or how othercities are benefiting from similarefforts, educational exhibits to taketo meetings or put in building entrancesand other public places.Before reaching for a camera,though, think about your audience,what message you want to send,and the best way to send it.To make your message morepowerful, use simple language andgood graphics that tell a story orillustrate a point.Resistance to changeAs you identify supporters of yourenergy plan, it is equally importantto identify those city departmentsand others who will not be supportive,as non-supporters can hinderyour progress.Usually you’ll find that nonsupportersare people who are resistantto change. Some of them willsimply need the right sort of informationthat make the energy linksrelevant to them, although othersneed more work and you will needto work up the resistance-to-changecontinuum.When you do come across nonsupporters,work closely with themto understand the nature of the conflictor barrier between your effortsand their goals.Common ground usually can befound for at least some areas of yourplanning effort.16 ENERGISING SOUTH AFRICAN CITIES & TOWNS

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