Energising South African Cities & Towns - City Energy Support Unit

Energising South African Cities & Towns - City Energy Support Unit

Energising South African Cities & Towns - City Energy Support Unit


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ENERGY VISIONS, GOALS, TARGETS & MEASURESENERGY VISION 2: A leading <strong>African</strong> city in meeting its energy needs in a sustainable way,and thus fulfilling its constitutional obligations and global responsibilities in this regard.GOAL Focus area Target MeasuresIncreasing renewable andclean energy contributionto the energy supply mix,and reducing dependenceon unsustainable sourcesof energy (starting withthe most financially viableoptions – the ‘low hangingfruit’)Residential10% of households to havesolar water heaters by 2010SHORT-TERM (2 YEARS)Promote the use of solar water heaters via provision of informationon costs, savings and environmental benefits.Compile standards and codes for the installation and performanceof solar water heaters.LONG-TERMEstablish solar water heater financing scheme.All <strong>City</strong>-owned housing to have solar water heaters installed.ENERGY VISION 4: A city with an efficient and equitable transport system, based on publictransport and compact planning, to enable all residents to enjoy the benefits of urban life.GOAL Focus area Target MeasuresAn energy efficientpublic transport system– (1) encouraging efficientpublic transport use and(2) discouraging inefficientprivate vehicle use.TransportRail, bus and taxi transportshare of total transportmodal split increased by10% by 2010.Numbers of private vehiclescommuting into city centredecreased 10% by 2010.SHORT-TERM (2 YEARS)Establish local government – provincial government metropolitanTransport Authority to ensure co-ordinated planning andefficient allocation of funds.Ensure that rail transport receives priority attention to ensure ahigh standard of service.Steadily improve facilities at public/private interchanges.LONG-TERMRapid bus transport corridors to be identified andimplemented.Dedicated bus and taxi lanes – identify and implementon all major commuter routes.• the availability of data,• environmental benefits,• economic development benefitsincluding savings and job creation,• support of city’s growth paths(eg tourism, manufacturing),• contribution to sustainability.To confirm whether your options contributeto sustainability, review thesekey elements of a sustainable system:consistent, renewable, diverse, inclusiveand inter-dependent (see page 3).There are several analytical andquantitative tools to assist with analysis.These can help clarify the optionsavailable to urban policy makers whoare planning for a sustainable future.Tools include cost-benefit analysis,strategic environmental assessments,scenario planning, economic impacttools, end-use potential analysis andintegrated resource planning.Your draft planYour draft plan will grow from thisanalysis, and can be in the form ofscenario planning using ‘business asusual’, as well as high-road scenarios,such as ‘20% renewables by year 2020’ –and a middle-road scenario if it suitsyour purposes.Your high-road scenario can bebased on targets such as:2020 energy vision• 20% private car use reduction• no days exceeding WHO airquality standards• 20% real reduction in CO 2emissions• 20% renewables• all housing to have ceilingsand efficient lights• mandatory green buildingstandards for all new buildingsover a certain value• poverty tariffs – all householdshave access to basic electricity<strong>Energy</strong> straw dogYour draft plan could also take theform of a ‘straw dog’ – a plan presentedas a basis for discussion and input,set out as per the example above.• <strong>Energy</strong> vision statements – based onthe city’s vision• <strong>Energy</strong> goals – linked to eachvision statement• Targets – linked to each goal• Measures – what can be done toachieve these goals• Projects – existing and potential.ENERGISING SOUTH AFRICAN CITIES & TOWNS 13

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