MRes Translational Medicine Academic year 2012/2013 Division of ...

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MRes in Clinical Research (Pathway in Translational Medicine) - Academic Year 2012-2013Lee CM, Farde L. Using positron emission tomography to facilitate CNS drug development.TrendsPharmacol Sci. 2006 Jun; 27(6):310-6.World Cancer Research Fund/ American Institute for Cancer Research. Food, Nutrition,Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective. WashingtonDC:AICR, 2007.Doyle et al, Nutrition and Physical Activity During and After Caner Treatment: AnAmerican Cancer Society Guide for Informed Choices. CA Cancer J Clin 2006; 56;323-353.Bingham S and Riboli E. Diet and Cancer- the European Prospective Investigation intoCancer and Nutrition, 2004, (4) 206-215.New response evaluation criteria in solid tumours: revised RECIST guideline (version1.1). EA et al. Eur J Cancer. 2009 Jan;45(2):228-47.Palliative Care Formulary PCF3. Ed. Robert Twycross, Andrew WilcoxPalliative 2007.Oxford Handbook of Palliative Care. Ed. Max Watson, Caroline Luca, AndrewHoy, Jo Wells. Second edition Oxford University Press. 2009.Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine. Ed. Derek Doyle, Geoffrey Hanks,Nathan Cherny, Kenneth Calman. Oxford University Press. 2005.Symptom Management in Advanced Disease. Robert Twycross. 3rd Edition.Radcliffe Medical Press. 2003.The Wilson-Jungner criteria for appraising the validity of a screening programme SJ et al.The effects of population-based faecal occult blood test screening uponemergency. Gut. 2008, Feb; 57(2):218-22Bowel Screening: Breast Screening Programme:Guideline on clinical investigation of medicinal products used in weight control. Committee formedicinal products for human use.(CHMP). CPMP/EWP/281/96 rev.140

MRes in Clinical Research (Pathway in Translational Medicine) - Academic Year 2012-2013Guidance for Industry Developing Products for Weight Management U.S. Department of Health andHuman Services Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research(CDER).February 2007 Clinical/MedicalPress release. European Medicines Agency recommends suspension of marketing authorisations forsibutramineWilliams G. Withdrawal of sibutramine in Europe. Another sign that there is no magic bullet to treatobesity BMJ 2010;340:c824Pope C, Mays N. Qualitative Research: Reaching the parts other methods cannot reach: anintroduction to qualitative methods in health and health services research BMJ 1995; 311 : 42Malterud K Qualitative research: standards, challenges, and guidelines Lancet 2001; 358: 483–88Willett W. Overview of Nutritional Epidemiology. In: Willet W (ed). Nutritional Epidemiology. 2ndEdition. Oxford University Press, Oxford: 1998;pp3-17.Rose G. Strategies of prevention: the individual and the population. In: Marmot M and Elliott P (eds).Coronary Heart Disease Epidemiology. From Aetiology to Public Health. Second Edition. OxfordUniversity Press, Oxford: 2005;pp631-641.Taylor AE, et al. Comparison of the associations of body mass index and measures of centraladiposity and fat mass with coronary heart disease, diabetes, and all-cause mortality: a study usingdata from 4 UK cohorts. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Mar;91(3):547-56. of NICE guidelines: guidelines on obesity Trial of Lifestyle Modification and Pharmacotherapy for Obesity. Wadden TA et al. NEngl J Med 2005;353:2111-20.Influence of weight reduction by sibutramine on female sexual function. KK Kim, HC Kang, SS Kimand BB Youn. International Journal of Obesity (2006) 30, 758–763Appetite regulation:, A. 2007, Research Methods in Health: Investigating Health and Health Services, 2nd edn,Open University Press41

<strong>MRes</strong> in Clinical Research (Pathway in <strong>Translational</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong>) - <strong>Academic</strong> Year <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>2013</strong>Lee CM, Farde L. Using positron emission tomography to facilitate CNS drug development.TrendsPharmacol Sci. 2006 Jun; 27(6):310-6.World Cancer Research Fund/ American Institute for Cancer Research. Food, Nutrition,Physical Activity, and the Prevention <strong>of</strong> Cancer: a Global Perspective. WashingtonDC:AICR, 2007.Doyle et al, Nutrition and Physical Activity During and After Caner Treatment: AnAmerican Cancer Society Guide for Informed Choices. CA Cancer J Clin 2006; 56;323-353.Bingham S and Riboli E. Diet and Cancer- the European Prospective Investigation intoCancer and Nutrition, 2004, (4) 206-215.New response evaluation criteria in solid tumours: revised RECIST guideline (version1.1). EA et al. Eur J Cancer. 2009 Jan;45(2):228-47.Palliative Care Formulary PCF3. Ed. Robert Twycross, Andrew WilcoxPalliative 2007.Oxford Handbook <strong>of</strong> Palliative Care. Ed. Max Watson, Caroline Luca, AndrewHoy, Jo Wells. Second edition Oxford University Press. 2009.Oxford Textbook <strong>of</strong> Palliative <strong>Medicine</strong>. Ed. Derek Doyle, Ge<strong>of</strong>frey Hanks,Nathan Cherny, Kenneth Calman. Oxford University Press. 2005.Symptom Management in Advanced Disease. Robert Twycross. 3rd Edition.Radcliffe Medical Press. 2003.The Wilson-Jungner criteria for appraising the validity <strong>of</strong> a screening programme<strong>year</strong> SJ et al.The effects <strong>of</strong> population-based faecal occult blood test screening uponemergency. Gut. 2008, Feb; 57(2):218-22Bowel Screening: Breast Screening Programme:Guideline on clinical investigation <strong>of</strong> medicinal products used in weight control. Committee formedicinal products for human use.(CHMP). CPMP/EWP/281/96 rev.140

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