Arrow-Berman™ Angiographic Catheter - Mayo Healthcare

Arrow-Berman™ Angiographic Catheter - Mayo Healthcare Arrow-Berman™ Angiographic Catheter - Mayo Healthcare
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Arrow-Berman AngiographicCatheterPreferred by nineout of ten physiciansfor minimizingperforation risk andtrauma in pediatriccardiac catheterization.

<strong>Arrow</strong>-Berman <strong>Angiographic</strong><strong>Catheter</strong>Preferred by nineout of ten physiciansfor minimizingperforation risk andtrauma in pediatriccardiac catheterization.

<strong>Arrow</strong>-Berman <strong>Angiographic</strong><strong>Catheter</strong><strong>Arrow</strong>-Berman <strong>Angiographic</strong><strong>Catheter</strong>Only <strong>Arrow</strong> carriesthe catheter with theoriginal proven design ofDr. Michael A. Berman.Using a balloon catheter inangiography keeps the catheteraway from the myocardium,reducing the possibility ofarrhythmias or staining fromdye injection. More importantis the perforation protectionthe balloon offers duringhigh-pressure injection.In-package syringes with“stops” help you avoidoverinflation.<strong>Arrow</strong> includes an appropriatelysized syringe with a stop with eachcatheter to deter overinflation of thelatex balloon. 1Pulmonary angiography andother additional uses.The catheter may be used forpulmonary angiography and forthe ipsilateral approach in BalloonOcclusion Femoral Angiography.If a patent foramen ovale or a septaldefect exists, the catheter may bepassed into the left ventricle andaorta for sampling, pressuremeasurements, or angiographicstudies. The use of a single catheterfor the entire procedure can reducethe trauma and blood loss.Unique, tapered-tip construction insures thatdiameter of the deflated balloon does notexceed the diameter of the catheter body, 2 thusallowing the introducer to be properly sized tothe catheter, facilitating percutaneousintroduction and reducing blood loss.<strong>Catheter</strong> Length MarkingsEach catheter has clear, easy toidentify increment markings every10cm along catheter body to confirminsertion depth.New higher flow rates.With new junction hub and extensionline design, the <strong>Arrow</strong>-Berman <strong>Angiographic</strong> <strong>Catheter</strong> offers evenhigher flow rates. See details onback page.Torque control keeps you incontrol.<strong>Arrow</strong> polyvinyl chloride (PVC)catheters offer a greater control overmanipulation than catheters ofstandard materials.Wide range of sizes and lengthsallow for more accuratematching of patient needs tocatheter size.<strong>Arrow</strong>-Berman <strong>Angiographic</strong><strong>Catheter</strong>s are available in Frenchsizes 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 — more sizesthan from any other manufacturer.Smooth, flexible catheter bodyfacilitates insertion.Also allows blood flow to carrythe inflated balloon naturallythrough the ventricle and intothe pulmonary artery. <strong>Catheter</strong> tipposition may be determined bycontinuous monitoring of pressureor by monitoring the radiopaquecatheter body with fluoroscopy.Convenient packaging.Each catheter is packaged in a sterilepeel-pack tray with an appropriatelysized syringe. 1Balloon OcclusionFemoralAngiographyWhen the “run-off” methoddoesn’t provide the detailsyou need to make a confidentdiagnosis, Balloon OcclusionFemoral Angiography (B.O.F.A.)could provide the answers.B.O.F.A. provides excellent visualizationof the planter arch and foot vesselsfor improved diagnosis of severeperipheral vascular disease. 3This technique can reduce patient X-rayexposure, contrast dose, retake rate,and cost. The accuracy of exposuretiming can also be improved.For theipsilateralapproach,<strong>Arrow</strong>-Berman <strong>Angiographic</strong> <strong>Catheter</strong>spermit injection of contrast mediumbehind the inflated balloon.*For the contralateral approach,<strong>Arrow</strong> Wedge-Pressure <strong>Catheter</strong>s permitinjection of contrast medium ahead ofthe inflated balloon.Videotape offered.We have prepared a detailed proceduralvideotape 4 and invite you to review it for20 days, free.* See Berman <strong>Catheter</strong>s for B.O.F.A. on back page.

Reverse<strong>Arrow</strong>-Berman <strong>Catheter</strong> for SelectivePulmonary OcclusionAngiography StudiesFor selective pulmonary occlusionangiography studies, the balloon isinflated to provide surface contact withthe pulmonary artery wall to achieve fullocclusion for a moment while contrastsolution is injected. The balloon is thendeflated allowing blood to flush thecontrast solution into the pulmonaryvasculature and at the same time picturesof this activity are taken to access thepatient’s pulmonary condition.This catheter can also be used for aorticangiographic studies in the pediatricpopulation. The indications for use of thiscatheter could include transposition of thegreat vessels or Tetrology of Fallot, amongothers.Product # Fr. Size Useable LengthAI-07037 7 Fr. 110cmAI-07035 5 Fr. 80cm<strong>Arrow</strong>-Berman <strong>Angiographic</strong> <strong>Catheter</strong> 5Product InformationIntroducer Max. 7 Inflated 8 Max. 9 Improved 10 Max. 11Product French Size Useful Inflation Balloon Wire Max. Inj. InjectionNo. Size Recom'd 6 Length Capacity Diameter Recom'd Flow Rate PressureAI-07130 5 Fr. 5 or 6 Fr. 50cm 3/4cc 8mm .032'' 15cc/sec 540 p.s.i.g.AI-07130-J 5 Fr. 5 or 6 Fr. 60cm 3/4cc 8mm .032'' 13cc/sec 540 p.s.i.g.AI-07131 6 Fr. 6 or 7 Fr. 60cm 1cc 10mm .035'' 20cc/sec 650 p.s.i.g.AI-07132 7 Fr. 7 or 8 Fr. 90cm 1-1/4cc 11mm .038'' 24cc/sec 700 p.s.i.g.AI-07133 8 Fr. 8 or 9 Fr. 110cm 1-1/4cc 11mm .038'' 35cc/sec 800 p.s.i.g.AI-07134 4 Fr. 5 Fr. 50cm 6/10cc 6-1/2mm .021'' 6cc/sec 600 p.s.i.g.AI-07135 5 5 Fr. 5 or 6 Fr. 80cm 3/4cc 8mm .032'' 12cc/sec 540 p.s.i.g.AI-07136 5 6 Fr. 6 or 7 Fr. 90cm 1cc 10mm .035'' 18cc/sec 650 p.s.i.g.AI-07137 5 7 Fr. 7 or 8 Fr. 110cm 1-1/4cc 11mm .038'' 24cc/sec 600 p.s.i.g.AI-07138 8 Fr. 8 or 9 Fr. 70cm 1-1/4cc 11mm .038'' 42cc/sec 750 p.s.i.g.Reverse <strong>Arrow</strong>-Berman <strong>Catheter</strong> for Selective PulmonaryOcclusion Angiography StudiesProduct InformationIntroducer Max. 7 Inflated 8 Max. 9 Max. 10 Max. 11Product French Size Useful Inflation Balloon Wire Injection InjectionNo. Size Recom'd 5 Length Capacity Diameter Recom'd Flow Rate PressureAI-07037 7 Fr. 7 or 8 Fr. 110cm 1-1/2cc 12mm .038'' 20cc/sec 700 p.s.i.g.AI-07035 5 Fr. 5 or 6 Fr. 80cm 1-1/4cc 12mm .032 '' 8cc/sec 600 p.s.i.g.(continued on next page)

<strong>Arrow</strong>-Berman <strong>Angiographic</strong><strong>Catheter</strong><strong>Arrow</strong>-Berman <strong>Angiographic</strong> <strong>Catheter</strong>s for Balloon Occlusion FemoralAngiography (B.O.F.A.) Ipsilateral ApproachProduct InformationIntroducer Max. 7 Inflated 8 Max. 9 Max. 10 Max. 11Product French Size Useful Inflation Balloon Wire Injection InjectionNo. Size Recom'd 6 Length Capacity Diameter Recom'd Flow Rate PressureAI-07137 7 Fr. 7 or 8 Fr. 110cm 1-1/4cc 11mm .038” 24cc/sec 600 p.s.i.g.AI-07136 6 Fr. 6 or 7 Fr. 90cm 1cc 10mm .035” 18cc/sec 650 p.s.i.g.AI-07135 5 Fr. 5 or 6 Fr. 80cm 3/4cc 8mm .032” 12cc/sec 540 p.s.i.g.1Contact <strong>Arrow</strong> for available sizes.8Nominal.For information regarding distributionin your area, contact:2Except 4 Fr. where balloon is 4-1/2 Fr.3Cardella, JF, Smith, TP, Darcy, MD, Hunter, DW, Castaneda-Zunigo,W, Amplatz, K. Balloon occlusion femoral angiography prior to in situsaphenous vein bypass. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology(1987) 10: 181-187.4Videotape prepared in conjunction with Curatech, Inc.Video order No. is BOFA-15Also used as Balloon Occlusion <strong>Catheter</strong> with multiple holes proximal tothe balloon (Balloon occlusion catheters with multiple holes distal toballoon are now available. See Reverse <strong>Arrow</strong>-Berman ).6The recommended <strong>Arrow</strong> Introducer with side arm access is one Frenchsize larger than the catheter size. The recommended minimum sizeintroducer without side arm access is the same French size as thecatheter excluding the 4 Fr. catheter.7CO2 is the recommended inflation media. See instructions for use priorto using air. Do not use any liquid to inflate balloon.9<strong>Arrow</strong>-Berman <strong>Angiographic</strong> <strong>Catheter</strong>s are closed at the distal.However, a guide wire may be cautiously inserted to firm catheterduring insertion but stop pushing wire at first sign of resistance nearballoon to prevent internal damage.10Measured using Renografin 76° (T.M.E.R. Squibb Co.) with 2 secondinjection time.11Nominal. Measured at room temperature with Stratham P-23 db Transducer.U.S. Federal Law limits this device to sale by or on order of a physician.Contents of unopened, undamaged package are sterile. Contains nomedication. Disposable.Refer to package insert for current warnings, indications,contraindications, precautions, and instructions for use.For more information, call your <strong>Arrow</strong> representative, or contactus by calling 800 523-8446 or 610 378-0131.®INTERNATIONALwww.arrowintl.comUNITED STATES<strong>Arrow</strong> International, Inc.2400 Bernville RoadReading, PA 19605, USAPhone: 610-378-0131Toll-free: (800) 523-8446Fax: 610-478-3199Orders-only toll-free fax: (800) 343-2935Email: Customer.Service@arrowintl.comAFRICA<strong>Arrow</strong> Africa (Pty) Ltd.Cambridge Commercial Park22 Witkoppen Road, Paulshof ExtensionSandton 2054, Republic of South AfricaPhone: (11) 807 4887Fax: (11) 807 4994Email:<strong>Arrow</strong> International, Inc.2400 Bernville RoadReading, PA 19605, USAPhone: 610-378-0131Toll-free: (800) 233-3187Fax: 610-374-5360Email: australasia@arrowintl.comCANADA<strong>Arrow</strong> Medical Products, Ltd.2300 Bristol Circle, Unit 1Oakville, Ontario L6H 5S3Phone: (905) 829-9473Toll-free: (800) 387-7819Fax: (905) 829-9414Email: arrow.canada@arrowintl.comCZECH REPUBLIC<strong>Arrow</strong> International CR, a.s.Pra˘zská 209500 04 Hradec KrálovéCzech RepublicPhone: 049 575 9111Fax: 049 575 9222Email: czech.sales@arrowintl.comEUROPEAN SALES OFFICEFlevolaan 9ANL 1382 JXWeesp, The NetherlandsPhone: +31 294 29900Fax: +31 294 414235Email: europeansales@arrowintl.comFRANCE<strong>Arrow</strong> France S.A.Atlantic Parc, « Les Pyramides » No. 11Route de Pitoys, P.A. de Maignon64600 Anglet, FrancePhone: 05 59 31 34 90Fax: 05 59 31 34 91Email:<strong>Arrow</strong> Deutschland GmbHJustus-von-Liebig-Strasse 2D-85435 Erding, GermanyPhone: 08122 9820-0Fax: 08122 40384Email: service@arrow-deutschland.deGREECE<strong>Arrow</strong> Hellas A.E.E.230 Kifissias AvenueHalandri, 152 31Athens, GreecePhone: 6777717 / 6777311Fax: 6777911Email: arrowhel@hol.grHOLLAND<strong>Arrow</strong> Holland Medical Products B.V.Flevolaan 9ANL 1382 JXWeesp, The NetherlandsPhone: 294 280 620Fax: 294 412 300Email: c_service@arrow-holland.nlINDIA<strong>Arrow</strong> India9 Demonte StreetSanthome, MylaporeChennai 600004IndiaPhone: 44-495-6769Fax: 44-495-6787Email: arrowint@hotmail.comJAPAN<strong>Arrow</strong> Japan, Ltd.Nagaoka Bldg.3-16, Kita-Otsuka 3-chomeToshima-ku, Tokyo 170-0004, JapanPhone: 03-5974-1701Fax: 03-5974-1845Email: arrowjpn@courante.plala.or.jpLATIN AMERICA<strong>Arrow</strong> International, Inc.2400 Bernville RoadReading, PA 19605, USAPhone: 610-378-0131Toll-free: (800) 233-3187Fax: 610-374-5360Email: latinamerica@arrowintl.comMEXICO<strong>Arrow</strong> Internacional de Mexico S.A. de C.V.Moliere No. 128, Col. Polanco11560 Mexico City, MexicoPhone: 5281-2291Fax: 5282-1359Email:<strong>Arrow</strong> Slovensko Pie˘st’any s.r.o.Valová 49921 01 Pie˘st’any, SlovakiaPhone/Fax: 0838/77 25428Email: arrow@arrow.skSPAIN<strong>Arrow</strong> Iberia S.A.Avenida de Valgrande 1428108 AlcobendasMadrid, SpainPhone: 916 621 267Fax: 916 619 756Email: arrow@arrow-iberia.esContact <strong>Arrow</strong> International, Inc. for reference information on the above.©2001 <strong>Arrow</strong> International, Inc. All rights reserved.BER-C 4/01 11M

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