Huron-St. Lawrence Iroquois Relations in the Terminal Prehistoric ...

Huron-St. Lawrence Iroquois Relations in the Terminal Prehistoric ... Huron-St. Lawrence Iroquois Relations in the Terminal Prehistoric ...
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PENDERGAST: HURON-ST. LAWRENCE RELATIONS 39n.d.bThe Nature of Warfare and ConfederaciesAmong Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Iroquoians. Paper on fileat <strong>the</strong> Department of Anthropology, <strong>St</strong>ateUniversity of New York at Buffalo.W<strong>in</strong>temberg, W.J.1936 Roebuck <strong>Prehistoric</strong> Village Site,Grenville County, Ontario. NationalMuseum of Canada Bullet<strong>in</strong> No. 83.1946 The Sidey-Mackay Village Site. AmericanAntiquity 11(3): 154-182.Woodworth, Henry1895 Indian Villages <strong>in</strong> Jefferson County. InThe Jefferson County Historical Society,Water-town, N.Y. (volume 3). F.M. Herrick& Co. Watertown.Wright, J.V.1966 The Ontario <strong>Iroquois</strong> Tradition, NationalMuseum Bullet<strong>in</strong> No. 210.Wrong, George M. (editor)1939 The Long Journey to <strong>the</strong> Country of <strong>the</strong><strong>Huron</strong> (by Gabriel Sagard). The Champla<strong>in</strong>Society. Toronto.Box 314Merrickville, Ontario KOG 1N0

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