Huron-St. Lawrence Iroquois Relations in the Terminal Prehistoric ...

Huron-St. Lawrence Iroquois Relations in the Terminal Prehistoric ...

Huron-St. Lawrence Iroquois Relations in the Terminal Prehistoric ...


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36 ONTARIO ARCHAEOLOGY NO. 44data set out here supports a conclusion that thishypo<strong>the</strong>sis may be extended to expla<strong>in</strong>, <strong>in</strong> part, <strong>the</strong>disappearance of <strong>the</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Lawrence</strong> <strong>Iroquois</strong> <strong>in</strong>Jefferson County, New York.AcknowledgementsI am deeply <strong>in</strong>debted to <strong>the</strong> Reverend Earl Sidler forhav<strong>in</strong>g shared unst<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>gly with me over <strong>the</strong> lasttwenty years his detailed knowledge of JeffersonCounty archaeology. My perceptions of JeffersonCounty have been greatly enhanced by his hav<strong>in</strong>gmade available to me <strong>the</strong> unrestricted use of hislibrary, <strong>the</strong> results of his fieldwork and <strong>the</strong> long-lostcollections he has pa<strong>in</strong>stak<strong>in</strong>gly brought to light. Ithank him too for <strong>the</strong> private tours he con-ducted over<strong>the</strong> countryside to show me <strong>the</strong> sites. I wish to expressparticular thanks to Jack Carter of Clayton, New York,who for more than twenty years has shared with me hisknowledge of Jefferson County archaeology, hislibrary, and his archaeological collection. I thank hiswife Helen for <strong>the</strong> gracious manner <strong>in</strong> which shealways made Margaret and I welcome. I express myappreciation to Arthur E<strong>in</strong>horn of Lowville, NewYork, who, while Curator, Lyons Falls Museum, obta<strong>in</strong>eda number of private collections for study and formy use of Museum facilities to assist me. I thankMerill Waters (deceased) of Watertown, New York,for his hav<strong>in</strong>g made his collection available to me forstudy. I appreciate <strong>the</strong> assistance provided by <strong>the</strong>Jefferson County Historical Society by mak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong>irlibrary and collections available to me from time totime over a very long period, s<strong>in</strong>ce 1949, and morerecently <strong>the</strong> courtesies ex-tended by MargaretShaeffer, Director of <strong>the</strong> Society Museum, Laura L.Scharer, Registrar Researcher and Ela<strong>in</strong>e Norton,Museum Secretary. I thank Carol Johnson for hav<strong>in</strong>gtyped and proof-read this and o<strong>the</strong>r works.References CitedAnonymousn.d.Mandeville. Unpublished paper on a <strong>Iroquois</strong> site on <strong>the</strong> Richelieu River.Beauchamp, William M.1886 The Aborig<strong>in</strong>es: Traces of a People LongS<strong>in</strong>ce Departed. Transactions of <strong>the</strong> JeffersonCounty Historical Society at Watertown,New' York, 1886-1887.1889 The Orig<strong>in</strong> and Early Life of <strong>the</strong> NewYork <strong>Iroquois</strong>. Transactions of <strong>the</strong> OneidaHistorical Society at Utica, 1887-1889.1892 The <strong>Iroquois</strong> Trail or Foot-Pr<strong>in</strong>ts of <strong>the</strong> SixNations <strong>in</strong> Customs, Traditions, andHistory. H.C. Beauchamp, Fayetteville,New York.1894 The Orig<strong>in</strong> of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Iroquois</strong>. AmericanAntiquarian and Oriental Journal 16(2).1898 Ear<strong>the</strong>nware of <strong>the</strong> New York Aborig<strong>in</strong>es.New York <strong>St</strong>ate Museum Bullet<strong>in</strong> No. 22.1900 Aborig<strong>in</strong>al Occupation of New York. NewYork <strong>St</strong>ate Museum Bullet<strong>in</strong> No. 32.1902 Horn and Bone Implements of <strong>the</strong> NewYork Indians. New York <strong>St</strong>ate MuseumBullet<strong>in</strong> No. 50.Biggar, Henry P. (editor)1924 Voyages of Jacques Cartier. Public Archivesof Canada Publication 11. Ottawa.Boyle, David1891 Pottery. Fourth Annual Report of <strong>the</strong>Canadian Institute, (Session of 1890-91).An Appendix to <strong>the</strong> Report of <strong>the</strong>M<strong>in</strong>ister of Education, Ontario. Toronto.1906 Notes on Some Specimens. Annual ArchaeologicalReport Ontario for 1905. Appendixto <strong>the</strong> Report of <strong>the</strong> M<strong>in</strong>ister ofEducation. Toronto.Burger, Marjorie K., and Peter P. Pratt1973 SUNY-Oswego Excavations <strong>in</strong> OntarioRelat<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>the</strong> Disappearance of <strong>the</strong> <strong>St</strong>.<strong>Lawrence</strong> <strong>Iroquois</strong>. Eastern <strong>St</strong>ates ArchaeologicalFederation, Bullet<strong>in</strong> No. 32.Cl<strong>in</strong>e, M.G., and R.L. Marshall1977 Soils of New York Landscapes. PhysicalSciences, Agronomy 6, Bullet<strong>in</strong> 119. NewYork <strong>St</strong>ate College of Agriculture and LifeSciences, Cornell University.Dawson, Sir John William1860 Notes on Aborig<strong>in</strong>al AntiquitiesRecently Discovered <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Island ofMontreal. Canadian Naturalist andGeologist and Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs of <strong>the</strong> NaturalHistory Society of Montreal (volume 5).Repr<strong>in</strong>ted <strong>in</strong> Cartier's Hochelaga and <strong>the</strong>Dawson Site, by James F. Pendergast andBruce G. Trigger, McGill-QueensUniversity Press, 1972.1861 Additional Notes on <strong>the</strong> Aborig<strong>in</strong>al Antiquitiesfound at Montreal. CanadianNaturalist and Geologist and Proceed<strong>in</strong>gsof <strong>the</strong> Natural History Society of Montreal(volume 6). Repr<strong>in</strong>ted <strong>in</strong> Cartier'sHochelaga and <strong>the</strong> Dawson Site, by JamesF. Pendergast and Bruce G. Trigger,McGill-Queens University Press, 1972.Donaldson, William S.1958 Research Guide to Pottery Sequences <strong>in</strong>Ontario. Research Guide No. 2, PublicationNo. 5, Ontario Archaeological Society.Emerson, Edgar C.1898 Our County and its People: A DescriptiveWork on Jefferson County, New York.Boston History Company. Boston.

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