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8A THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2011WORLDBUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINAOutsiders’ land buys targetedPresident Cristina Fernandez urgedArgentina’s lawmakers Wednesday toquickly approve a 2,500-acre limit onrural land ownership by foreigners.She said <strong>the</strong> legislation she is sendingto Congress won’t affect propertiesalready in foreign hands, because shedoesn’t want to change <strong>the</strong> rules of <strong>the</strong>game to harm those who bought land ingood faith.The bill also would create a singleregistry for rural properties so it’s easierto know who owns what. Currently, eachof Argentina’s 23 provinces keeps its ownregistries, which aren’t easily searchable.Fernandez said <strong>the</strong> proposed law isbased on strong legal limits on foreignland ownership in Brazil, Canada, UnitedStates and France.CARACAS, VENEZUELAWages expected to boost inflationPresident Hugo Chavez’s decision toincrease <strong>the</strong> minimum wage 25 percent isexpected to elevate Venezuela’s already highinflation, economists and opposition lawmakerssaid Wednesday.Chavez’s decree involves a 15 percentboost in pay at <strong>the</strong> beginning of May, <strong>the</strong>na 10 percent rise Sept. 1. The wage hikeannounced Tuesday will benefit more than 6million people, who will earn $360 a monthonce <strong>the</strong> full increase is phased in. Chavezalso gave public employees a 45 percentraise.Government officials said <strong>the</strong>y hope tokeep inflation in check despite wage hikes.Labor Minister Maria Iglesias suggestedgreedy businessmen are partly responsiblefor Latin America’s worst inflation, accusing<strong>the</strong>m of unjustifiably inflating prices.BY BEN HUBBARDThe Associated PressHYDERABAD, INDIAMAHESH KUMAR A./The Associated PressAn Indian worker rests on mangoes Wednesday at a fruit marketin Hyderabad. India recognizes <strong>the</strong> mango as its national fruitand is <strong>the</strong> world’s largest mango producer with about 13 milliontons each year, far exceeding o<strong>the</strong>r countries.LONDONThatcher’s handbag at auctionFormer British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has donated one of herfamous handbags to a charity auction.Christie’s auction house said Wednesday<strong>the</strong> boxy black lea<strong>the</strong>r Aspreybag will be sold on June 27 at an auctionhosted by author Jeffrey Archer.The bag was on Thatcher’s arm duringCold War negotiations with formerU.S. President Ronald Reagan and SovietUnion leader Mikhail Gorbachev.The former Conservative leader wasfamously responsible for originating <strong>the</strong>term “handbagging,” which referred toher uncompromising style.The auction house said Thatcher haselected to donate <strong>the</strong> proceeds of <strong>the</strong>sale to a British charity working withpeople with a genetic skin condition.NATO jets stop attack on port in LibyaSANG TAN/The Associated PressA police dog searches through <strong>the</strong> flowers Wednesday brought into<strong>West</strong>minster Abbey in London during preparations for <strong>the</strong> royal weddingof Kate Middleton and Britain’s Prince William.Royal wedding guests facethorough security sweepsBY PAISLEY DODDSThe Associated PressBY DEBBY WUThe Associated PressTAIPEI, Taiwan — A populartourist train overturned inTaiwan’s sou<strong>the</strong>rn mountainsWednesday, killing five Chinesevisitors, <strong>the</strong> island’s Office ofDisaster Management said.President Ma Ying-jeou hadearlier put <strong>the</strong> death toll atsix.The Government In formation Office said <strong>the</strong> crashinjured 61 o<strong>the</strong>r people, 23seriously. There was no immediateinformation on <strong>the</strong>irnationalities.Ma said a large tree fell into<strong>the</strong> path of <strong>the</strong> oncomingtrain.“I feel very grieved by <strong>the</strong>LONDON — It’s not <strong>the</strong>type of welcome most weddingguests expect before <strong>the</strong>yget into church — backgroundchecks, ID verification and asecurity sweep.But <strong>the</strong>n again, PrinceWilliam and Kate Middleton’swedding on Friday is no ordinaryaffair.Britain hasn’t seen a royalwedding of this size sincePrince Charles married Dianain 1981 — <strong>the</strong>re were actually200 more police on dutyfor that wedding, which hada longer procession route anda guest list of some 3,500 people,including foreign royalsand heads of state.Friday’s wedding will offermuch of <strong>the</strong> same pomp andcircumstance with its 1,900invited guests, but it also presentsa modern security nightmarefor <strong>the</strong> 5,000 U.K. policeofficers on duty. Police willbe on <strong>the</strong> look-out for Irishdissident terrorists, Muslimextremists, anti-monarchistsand protesters.Scotland Yard Police CommanderChristine Jones saidWednesday <strong>the</strong>re has been nonew terror threat but considerableInternet chatter.“Our operation has beenmeticulously planned, andwe have thought through andplanned for a huge range ofcontingencies,” she said.Anxious crowds wrappedin Union Jack flags watchedlate Wednesday afternoon asa convoy of cars arrived at<strong>West</strong>minster Abbey. Secondsafter, <strong>the</strong> soon-to-be royalcouple arrived at <strong>the</strong> ca<strong>the</strong>dralfor a final wedding rehearsal.Middleton’s parents andPrince Harry, <strong>the</strong> best man,also attended, St. James Palacesaid.The Associated PressNarrow-gauge train carriages lie on <strong>the</strong>ir side Wednesday afterbeing struck by a falling tree on <strong>the</strong> mountainous tourist destinationof Alishan, sou<strong>the</strong>rn Taiwan.Train overturns, kills visitorsaccident,” he said, adding thatit would be investigated thoroughly.TV footage showed at leastthree carriages overturnedalong a slope and rescuerstending to victims.The Alishan rail line, runningeast from <strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>rn city ofChiayi, corkscrews throughsteep mountains and has longbeen one of Taiwan’s premiertourist attractions. Most of <strong>the</strong>line has been closed since adevastating typhoon struckTaiwan in August 2009, but asmall portion near <strong>the</strong> top hasbeen reopened and is where<strong>the</strong> accident occurred.Alishan has been especiallypopular among Chinese tourists.MISRATA, Libya — NATOwarplanes pounded forces loyalto Libyan leader MoammarGadhafi attacking <strong>the</strong> rebelheldcity of Misrata, blastingfighting vehicles advancingon <strong>the</strong> port that serves as <strong>the</strong>besieged city’s sole lifeline, aNATO spokeswoman said onWednesday.The battle for Misrata hasbecome <strong>the</strong> focal point of <strong>the</strong>uprising against Gadhafi’sregime, and <strong>the</strong> near-constantshelling of <strong>the</strong> city by governmenttroops over <strong>the</strong> past twomonths has spurred calls formore forceful internationalintervention to stop <strong>the</strong> bloodshed.In Brussels, <strong>the</strong> EU commissionerfor humanitarian aidsaid <strong>the</strong> shelling of <strong>the</strong> Misrataport has worsened <strong>the</strong> alreadybad humanitarian situation in<strong>the</strong> city and that <strong>the</strong> 27-nationgroup has set aside more than100 million euros ($146 million)to address pressing humanitarianneeds.“The port shelling hampersvessel rotation and <strong>the</strong>reforehinders fur<strong>the</strong>r evacuations,”said Commissioner KristalinaGeorgieva. “The delivery ofBY DEB RIECHMANNThe Associated PressKABUL, Afghanistan — Aveteran Afghan military pilotsaid to be distressed over hispersonal finances opened fireat Kabul airport after an argumentWednesday, killing eightU.S. troops and an Americancivilian contractor.Those killed were trainersand advisers for <strong>the</strong> nascentAfghan air force. The shootingwas <strong>the</strong> deadliest attack by amember of <strong>the</strong> Afghan securityforces, or an insurgent impersonating<strong>the</strong>m, on coalitiontroops or Afghan soldiers orpolicemen. There have beenseven such attacks so far thisyear.Although <strong>the</strong> individual circumstancesmay differ, <strong>the</strong>incidents of Afghans turningagainst <strong>the</strong>ir coalition partnersseem to reflect growing antiforeignersentiment independentof <strong>the</strong> Taliban. Afghans areincreasingly tired of <strong>the</strong> nearlydecade-long war and think<strong>the</strong>ir lives have not improveddespite billions of dollars ininternational aid.The Taliban, who are currentlystaging <strong>the</strong>ir opening salvosof <strong>the</strong> spring fighting season,boasted that <strong>the</strong> gunman inWednesday’s airport attack wasa militant impersonating anarmy officer.This claim did not seemcredible, however.Defense Ministry spokesmanGen. Mohammad ZahirAzimi said <strong>the</strong> gunman wasan officer who had served asa pilot in <strong>the</strong> Afghan militaryDARKO BANDIC/The Associated PressIn this photo taken Wednesday on a government-organized tour, students rally in support of Libyan leaderMoammar Gadhafi, at a schoolyard in <strong>the</strong> Tarhouna district of Libya.food, medical supplies ando<strong>the</strong>r relief items has beeninterrupted, and it is close toimpossible for our humanitarianpartners to evacuate <strong>the</strong>wounded and civilians by sea.”A resident in Misrata said <strong>the</strong>city’s food stocks were dwindling,and that relief suppliesbrought by U.N. aid agencieswere not enough to meetfor <strong>the</strong> past 20 years. The gunman— identified as AhmadGul, 48, of Tarakhail district inKabul province — died in anexchange of fire that followedhis attack.The gunman’s bro<strong>the</strong>r insistedhe was not a Taliban sympathizer.“He was under economicpressures and recently he soldhis house. He was not in a normalframe of mind becauseof <strong>the</strong>se pressures,” said <strong>the</strong>bro<strong>the</strong>r, Dr. Mohammad HassanSahibi. “He was goingthrough a very difficult periodof time in his life.“He served his country foryears,” Sahibi told Tolo, a privatetelevision station in Kabul.“He loved his people and hiscountry. He had no link withTaliban or al-Qaida.”Sahibi said his bro<strong>the</strong>r waswounded four or five times duringhis military service — onceseriously when his helicoptercrashed.The shooting took place at10:25 a.m. at Kabul’s airport.The gunman opened fire at ameeting in an operations roomrequirements. The resident,who did not want to be namedbecause he feared retribution,said locals were suffering froma shortage of drinking water.The NATO airstrike, whichtook place Tuesday night andsent giant plumes of smokeinto <strong>the</strong> air, helped repulsean attack by Gadhafi’s forceson <strong>the</strong> city’s vital port complex,alliance spokeswomanCarmen Romero said, also inBrussels.“NATO forces moved quicklyto break up a force advancingon Misrata port,” Romero said.“Several NATO aircraft weredirected to <strong>the</strong> area, and followingcareful assessment of<strong>the</strong> risk to civilians, our pilotsstruck.”Afghan officer opens fire, kills 9 AmericansMUSADEQ SADEQ/The Associated PressAn Afghan soldier holds his rifle Wednesday outside a gateway toKabul’s airport following <strong>the</strong> shootings.at <strong>the</strong> Afghan Air Corps followingan argument with foreigners,Afghan defense officialssaid.It was unclear what <strong>the</strong> argumentwas about.“Suddenly, in <strong>the</strong> middle of<strong>the</strong> meeting, shooting started,”said Afghan Air Corps spokesmanCol. Bahader, who usesonly one name. “After <strong>the</strong> shootingstarted, we saw a number ofAfghan army officers and soldiersrunning out of <strong>the</strong> building.Some were even throwing<strong>the</strong>mselves out of <strong>the</strong> windowsto get away.”Five Afghan soldiers wereinjured. At least one Afghansoldier was shot — in <strong>the</strong> wrist— but most of <strong>the</strong> soldiers sufferedbroken bones and cuts,Bahader said.338839

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