total documentmanagementtotaldocumentmanagementcreating momentum for yourbusiness through our people

we are mitiewe do totaldocumentmanagementSome know us simply as mailroom specialists, othersfor our procurement or printing expertise…But as ourbusiness has grown, so has our capability. We cannow provide much more, for less. And we’ll deliver it toyou quicker than ever before.Our fully integrated document management servicecombines all of our skills into one neat little package.From the design of a document right through todestruction, we do it all. We do it using a fresh andinnovative approach that creates efficienciesfor your business.Why choose us?We listen to our clients and go to great lengths tounderstand what’s important to them rather thanto us. We’re not afraid of change. We embracetechnology through our own unique tools, and wethrive on doing things differently.Our expertise will develop your staff and customerexperiences and save you money at the same time!And we’ll also never tire of telling how passionatewe are. Our talented teams are at the heart of ourbusiness; they know what they’re doing and they’rehungry to do it well.

Our approach todocument managementdocumentmail room,distribution, print,courier, storage,secure destruction,recyclingtotal documentmanagementmioffice, analysis,procurementmanagementreprographics,print procurement,creative, eBiblesdatadigital

14 yearsexperienceturnover

sustainableprocurementsourcedethicallyRichard Bartkow, Procurement ManagerE: richard.bartkow@mitie.comM: +44 (0)7979 241 929procurement managementWe use our size and reputation to negotiatethe best deals with our suppliers...The result?Exceptional rates on office equipment and devices,couriers and business stationery, high-quality servicedelivery, expert knowledge and supplier management.

your brandcreativelyKulvinder Reyatt, Managing DirectorE: kulvinder.reyatt@mitie.comM: +44 (0)7825 078 465Joseph Alvarez, Business Development DirectorE: joseph.alvarez@mitie.comM: +44 (0)7880 177 766creativeFrom desktop publishing and corporate reports toadvertising and animation, our in-house creativeteam constantly come up with exceptional designideas. We’re also a dab hand at digital marketing,specialising in SEO, social media and PPC. We cando wonders with websites and make sure you get themaximum bang for your marketing buck.

storing yourcorporateinformationKulvinder Reyatt, Managing DirectorE: kulvinder.reyatt@mitie.comM: +44 (0)7825 078 465Joseph Alvarez, Business Development DirectorE: joseph.alvarez@mitie.comM: +44 (0)7880 177 766storageWith physical space at a premium, and digital storagebecoming more efficient, we make your importantdocuments secure and easily retrievable.Want to migrate your records from paper to digital?Look no further than our off-site print and digitalimaging services. And cut your physical archivingcosts through the super rates secured with oursuppliers. Because we manage so much archiving,our service really is second to none, combiningintegrity, security and punctuality.

high-qualityprint ondemandKulvinder Reyatt, Managing DirectorE: kulvinder.reyatt@mitie.comM: +44 (0)7825 078 465Joseph Alvarez, Business Development DirectorE: joseph.alvarez@mitie.comM: +44 (0)7880 177 766Mark West, Print ManagerE: mark.west@mitie.comM: +44 (0)7979 702 026printon site print roomsWe manage on site print rooms from the small tothe huge for our clients.on floor print managementWe give our clients on floor print solutions thatfit with the way they do business.Our solutionswill reduce the amount of paper you use, reduceyour spend and your environmental impact, whileincreasing your data site print facilityUsing our state-of-the-art facility and equipment,we deliver print on demand that’s quicker, smarterand cheaper than traditional lithographic printing.Whether you need complex legal copying, businesscards, large format banners or high quality brochures,we’ve got it covered.print procurementNeed a long print run? Magazines, publications, printedstationery or a building wrap? Our print procurementteam have a carefully selected group of specialist printpartners that can print onto just about any medium tojust about any size.

professionalservice deliveryand expertknowledgeMike Ferris, Operations DirectorE: mike.ferrismitie.comM: +44 (0)7920 298 513Pat Fox, Operations DirectorE: +44 (0)7766 248 359mail room and distributionWe save you space, time, money and hassle whenit comes to distributing your documents. Whetheryou want us to manage your on-site mail anddistribution operations or to digitise your documents,you can be assured that your critical data ismanaged professionally.We can take your mailroom operations off site,reducing your property space costs and mitigatingyour security risk on site.You can also benefit from our buying power,ensuring that you are getting the best service at themost cost competitive rate.

eBiblesKulvinder Reyatt, Managing DirectorE: kulvinder.reyatt@mitie.comM: +44 (0)7825 078 465eBiblesWhen we say we’re full of fresh ideas we really meanit, and nothing shows our innovative side more thanour eBibles. Using our professional in-house CD andDVD production facility, we can quickly and easilybuild bespoke eBibles for your brand and cut yourcosts by up to 20%.eBibles, also known as transaction bibles, are aconvenient and intelligent way of storing, indexing,presenting and searching large volumes of documents.Teaming our industry know-how with our relentlessfocus on document management, we condenseall of your documents, case bundles, data roomsand completion documents into high quality, easyto navigate and interactive applications. And byreducing the need to print and transport physicaldocuments, they save you time, office space andmoney at the same time!Creating an eBible is no longer a labour intensiveprocess and our team are only too happy to discussour fantastic tool with you in more detail. Get in touchtoday to see how we can create more efficiencies inyour workplace.

managingyour riskRichard Bartkow, Procurement ManagerE: richard.bartkow@mitie.comM: +44 (0)7979 241 929destructionWorking with our waste and records managementpartners, we destroy your documents in the mostappropriate way in conjunction with regulatory andcompliance requirements. We also manage yourentire records management process, from supportingyou in creating your internal destruction policy toreducing your storage requirements and costs.

protectingthe enviromentRichard Bartkow, Procurement ManagerE: richard.bartkow@mitie.comM: +44 (0)7979 241 929recyclingEver thought about closed loop recycling? Whatabout your used paper becoming your notebooks,your used toner cartridges becoming your pens,or your old files becoming paper towels?Our focus on the environment ensures that we canprovide a closed loop process for the procurement ofyour paper and stationery items, allowing you to beat the forefront of sustainability.

total documentmanagement<strong>Mitie</strong> total document managementGround Floor East, Cottons CentreCottons Lane, 47/49 Tooley StreetLondon, SE1 2QGDesign: creative, total document managementPrint: total document management

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