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42-16839494| RM| © Ralph Clevenger/CorbisCoastalHighway 1,seen herenear Big Sur,is famous forrunningalong someof the mostbeautifulcoastline inthe world,leading <strong>to</strong> itsdesignationas anAll-AmericanRoad.Los Angeles County Democratic Partywww.lacdp.orgWelcome <strong>to</strong> CaliforniaOn behalf of LACDPand the nearly two million Democratsin Los Angeles Countyit is my pleasure <strong>to</strong> welcome theDNC Western Regional Caucus.Special thanks <strong>to</strong> Aleita Huguenin,DNC Western Regional Caucus Chair.You are an inspiration and a true leader.Eric C. Bauman, ChairM. Hertzberg and An<strong>to</strong>nio Villaraigosa. Linden hasworked on numerous local, state and national campaigns,including 44 statewide initiatives.Christine PelosiDNCAt<strong>to</strong>rney, author and activist ChristinePelosi chairs the California DemocraticParty Platform Committee and serves onthe DNC, where she co-founded the DNC Veterans andMilitary Families Council. She has served as deputy cityat<strong>to</strong>rney and assistant district at<strong>to</strong>rney for the city of SanFrancisco; as HUD special counsel in the Clin<strong>to</strong>n-Goreadministration; and as chief of staff <strong>to</strong> Congressman John F.Tierney (D-MA). Pelosi is currently writing Campaign BootCamp, a book that arose out of the 2006 campaign, duringwhich she directed the AFSCME PEOPLE/New HousePAC 2006 Congressional Candidates Boot Camp, a seriesof management and leadership trainings for over 40challengers, 12 of whom are now members of Congress.Carl PopeSIERRA CLUBCarl Pope was appointed executive direc<strong>to</strong>rof the Sierra Club in 1992. A veteran leaderin the environmental movement, Pope hasbeen with the Sierra Club for nearly 30 years. Pope is coauthor– along with Paul Rauber – of Strategic Ignorance:Why the Bush Administration Is Recklessly Destroying a Centuryof Environmental Progress, which The New York Re<strong>view</strong> ofBooks called “a splendidly fierce book.” He currentlymaintains a weblog called “Taking the Initiative,” whichregularly discusses environmental and political issues. Visithim online at www.sierraclub.org/carlpope.Rick RidderRBI STRATEGIES AND RESEARCHRick Ridder, president and co-founderof RBI Strategies and Research, possessesextensive experience from both thecampaign trail and the consultant’s chair. As the nationalcampaign manager for Dean for America in early 2003,he oversaw the campaign as it rose from an asterisk in thepolls <strong>to</strong> a legitimate contender. He has served as a seniorconsultant for three presidential campaigns (includingboth Clin<strong>to</strong>n-Gore campaigns) and as the national fielddirec<strong>to</strong>r for two other presidential bids. Ridder hasconsulted for numerous congressional, guberna<strong>to</strong>rial,and state and local initiative campaigns. Internationally,he has worked in 17 countries.Sam RodriguezNATIONAL CABLE COMMUNICATIONSSam Rodriguez serves as a seniorpolitical advisor <strong>to</strong> National CableCommunications (NCC). Rodriguez wasmost recently political direc<strong>to</strong>r for the CaliforniaDemocratic Party and manager for the 2006 DemocraticCoordinated Campaign. Previously he was Washing<strong>to</strong>nstate direc<strong>to</strong>r for Sena<strong>to</strong>r John Kerry’s 2004 presidentialcampaign. There, he managed campaign operations, waschief political strategist for communications, and servedas a media spokesman. He has over 14 years of combinedcampaign management and public policy experience atboth the federal and state levels.Larry ScanlonAFSCMELarry Scanlon started his union career in1974 as a field representative for the250,000-member New York Civil ServiceEmployees Association, American Federation of State,County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local1000. He held a series of positions with the union,culminating in his appointment as executive direc<strong>to</strong>r in1992. In 1995 Scanlon became direc<strong>to</strong>r of AFSCME’spolitical department.Darrel ThompsonOFFICE OF SENATOR HARRY REIDDarrel Thompson is a senior advisor <strong>to</strong>United States Senate Majority LeaderHarry Reid (D-NV). A key memberof Reid’s leadership team, Thompson’s responsibilitiesinclude oversight for national constituency operations,Nevada issues, organized labor, and the African Americanand faith communities. Before joining Reid’s staffin 2005, he was chief of staff for Barack Obama’sSenate campaign.Steve YbarraDNC HISPANIC CAUCUSSteve Ybarra is the former chair ofthe Chicano Latino Caucus of theDemocratic Party, and as a member ofthe DNC he is the Pacific Regional vice chair for theDNC Hispanic Caucus. He also serves as a member ofthe Executive Board of the California Democratic Party.Under his leadership, the caucus actively involved itself in59 absentee ballot campaigns, helping <strong>to</strong> re-energize localcounty central committees in California and other states.FoundedDecember 4,1786,MissionSanta Barbarais a SpanishFranciscanmission inSanta Barbara.OW004322| RM| © Bob Rowan; Progressive Image/CORBIS245

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