Report and Recommendations - Scottish Government

Report and Recommendations - Scottish Government Report and Recommendations - Scottish Government
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5.2 PERIOD OF CUSTODYIntroduction5.2.1 The period during which a suspect can be detained in police custody requiresto be closely regulated. As explored in detail in the last chapter, the purposeof arrest and detention by the police is to bring the suspect to court as anaccused person. Article 5 requires the suspect to appear in court “promptly”and the maximum time allowed by the law for that process to be completed isof vital importance to the protection of human rights. This chapter dealsprincipally with setting the extreme parameters of time beyond which thereshould be no deliberate straying without judicial sanction.5.2.2 The Review recognises that there has been much debate over the period forwhich the police should be permitted to detain a suspect for questioning. Thenature and extent of police questioning in the context of the fair trialrequirement are considered in Chapter 6.2. But the important consideration inArticle 5 terms is not so much the time for questioning or investigationgenerally but the overall period permitted before a suspect must be broughtbefore the court, when he/she has the opportunity of requesting a judicialdetermination on the lawfulness, including proportionality, of his/hercontinued detention.97

5.2 PERIOD OF CUSTODYIntroduction5.2.1 The period during which a suspect can be detained in police custody requiresto be closely regulated. As explored in detail in the last chapter, the purposeof arrest <strong>and</strong> detention by the police is to bring the suspect to court as anaccused person. Article 5 requires the suspect to appear in court “promptly”<strong>and</strong> the maximum time allowed by the law for that process to be completed isof vital importance to the protection of human rights. This chapter dealsprincipally with setting the extreme parameters of time beyond which thereshould be no deliberate straying without judicial sanction.5.2.2 The Review recognises that there has been much debate over the period forwhich the police should be permitted to detain a suspect for questioning. Thenature <strong>and</strong> extent of police questioning in the context of the fair trialrequirement are considered in Chapter 6.2. But the important consideration inArticle 5 terms is not so much the time for questioning or investigationgenerally but the overall period permitted before a suspect must be broughtbefore the court, when he/she has the opportunity of requesting a judicialdetermination on the lawfulness, including proportionality, of his/hercontinued detention.97

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