Report and Recommendations - Scottish Government

Report and Recommendations - Scottish Government Report and Recommendations - Scottish Government
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Annex GParker v The Queen [2007] NT CCA 11People (DPP) v Buck [2002] 2 IR 268People (DPP) v Clarke [1995] ILRM 355People (DPP) v Gormley [2010] IECCA 22People (DPP) v M, unreported, Court of Criminal Appeal, 15 February 2001People (DPP) v Madden [1977] IR 336People (DPP) v McCrea [2010] IESC 50People (DPP) v Ryan [2011] IECCA 6Pryer [2004] EWCA Crim 1163The Queen v Bilick and Starke (1984) 36 SASR 321R (on the application of C) v Chief Constable of A [2006] EWHC 2352R v Argent [1997] 2 Cr App R 27R v Aziz [1996] 1 AC 41R v Beckles [2005] 1 WLR 2829R v Biniaris [2000] 1 SCR 381R v Chamber (1990) 780 CR (3d) 235R v DPP, ex parte Kebilene [2000] 2 AC 326R v Duncan (1981) 73 Cr App Rep 359R v Cooper [1969] 1QB 267R v Cowan (1996) 1 Cr App Rep 1R v Farrell [2004] EWCA Crim 597R v Galbraith [1981] 1 WLR 1039R v Garrod [1997] Crim LR 445R v Hanratty [2002] 2 Cr App Rep 30R v Hester [1973] AC 296R v Hodgson [1998] 2 SCR 449,R v Hughes [1942] SCR 517R v Illes [2008] SCC 57R v Imran and Hussain [1997] Crim L.R. 754 CAR v Karen Condron and William Condron (1997) 1 Cr App R 49R v King (2000) Crim L R 835R v Makanjuola [1995] 1 WLR 1348R v Marsh (1935) 25 Cr App R 49R v McCrimmon [2010] SCC 36R v Muncaster [1999] Crim LR 409 CAR v Murray (1987) 11 NSWLR 12R v Newsome (1980) 71 Cr App R 325R v Oikle [2000] 2 SCR 3R v Pearce (1979) 69 Cr App R 365R v Rigby (1923) 17 Cr App R 111R v Roble [1997] CLR 346.R v Rochas [2008] 3 SCR 111R v Samuel [1988] QB 615R v Sharp [1988] 1 WLR 7R v Simpson [1988] 1 SCR 3, McIntyre J at 22R v Sinclair [2010] SCC 35R v Singh [2007] 3 SCR 405R v Spencer [1987] 1 AC 128R v Willier [2010] SCC 37R v Z [2005] 2 AC 467408

Annex GR(on the application of the Chief Constable Greater Manchester Police) v Salford MagistratesCourt [2011] EWHC 1578 (admin)Shippey [1988] Criminal Law Review 767Silcock [2007] EWCA Crim 2176Storey (1968) 52 Cr App R 334Ward v Police Service of Northern Ireland [2007] 1 WLR 3013Weiller v United States (1945) 323 US 606Weissenteiner (1993) 178 CLR 217Wendo v The Queen (1964) 109 CLR 559Western v DPP [1997] 1 Cr App Rep 474Williams v R (1986) 161 CLR 278BooksTitle Author PublishedPrinciples & Practice of the Criminal Allison 1833Law of ScotlandCriminal Pleading Archbold 2011Trial by Fire and Water Bartlett 1986Rolment of Courts Bisset 1622Criminal Procedure: A Worldwide Bradley 2007StudyMedieval Canon Law Brundage 1995Criminal Law Burnett 1811Argyll Justiciary Records Vol 1, TheJusticiary Records of Argyll and theIsles, 1664-1742Cameron 1949The Law and Practice of Diligence and Campbell 1862CitationEffective Criminal Defence in Europe Cape et al 2010Human Rights (2nd ed) Clayton and Tomlinson 2009Evidence Davidson 2007Evidence (3rd ed) Dickson 1887The Psychology of Interrogations and Gudjonsson 2003Confessions : A handbookBlackstone’s Criminal Practice Hooper LJ et al 2011Commentaries on the Law of Scotland Hume 1844respecting Crimes (Bell ed)Essays in Jewish and ComparativeLegal HistoryJackson 1975409

Annex GParker v The Queen [2007] NT CCA 11People (DPP) v Buck [2002] 2 IR 268People (DPP) v Clarke [1995] ILRM 355People (DPP) v Gormley [2010] IECCA 22People (DPP) v M, unreported, Court of Criminal Appeal, 15 February 2001People (DPP) v Madden [1977] IR 336People (DPP) v McCrea [2010] IESC 50People (DPP) v Ryan [2011] IECCA 6Pryer [2004] EWCA Crim 1163The Queen v Bilick <strong>and</strong> Starke (1984) 36 SASR 321R (on the application of C) v Chief Constable of A [2006] EWHC 2352R v Argent [1997] 2 Cr App R 27R v Aziz [1996] 1 AC 41R v Beckles [2005] 1 WLR 2829R v Biniaris [2000] 1 SCR 381R v Chamber (1990) 780 CR (3d) 235R v DPP, ex parte Kebilene [2000] 2 AC 326R v Duncan (1981) 73 Cr App Rep 359R v Cooper [1969] 1QB 267R v Cowan (1996) 1 Cr App Rep 1R v Farrell [2004] EWCA Crim 597R v Galbraith [1981] 1 WLR 1039R v Garrod [1997] Crim LR 445R v Hanratty [2002] 2 Cr App Rep 30R v Hester [1973] AC 296R v Hodgson [1998] 2 SCR 449,R v Hughes [1942] SCR 517R v Illes [2008] SCC 57R v Imran <strong>and</strong> Hussain [1997] Crim L.R. 754 CAR v Karen Condron <strong>and</strong> William Condron (1997) 1 Cr App R 49R v King (2000) Crim L R 835R v Makanjuola [1995] 1 WLR 1348R v Marsh (1935) 25 Cr App R 49R v McCrimmon [2010] SCC 36R v Muncaster [1999] Crim LR 409 CAR v Murray (1987) 11 NSWLR 12R v Newsome (1980) 71 Cr App R 325R v Oikle [2000] 2 SCR 3R v Pearce (1979) 69 Cr App R 365R v Rigby (1923) 17 Cr App R 111R v Roble [1997] CLR 346.R v Rochas [2008] 3 SCR 111R v Samuel [1988] QB 615R v Sharp [1988] 1 WLR 7R v Simpson [1988] 1 SCR 3, McIntyre J at 22R v Sinclair [2010] SCC 35R v Singh [2007] 3 SCR 405R v Spencer [1987] 1 AC 128R v Willier [2010] SCC 37R v Z [2005] 2 AC 467408

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