Report and Recommendations - Scottish Government

Report and Recommendations - Scottish Government Report and Recommendations - Scottish Government
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372Annex A

Annex AAim of the researchThe Review wished to gain some understanding of the possible effect of the currentrequirement of Scots criminal law for essential facts to be proved by corroboratedevidence. To aid the Review in this, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service(COPFS) was asked to consider whether they held data that could be analysed toindicate what effect the abolition of the corroboration requirement might have.MethodologyCOPFS held data on cases where an accused person had been placed on petition andthe case had been marked ‘no further proceeding due to insufficient evidence’. Therewere a number of caveats (mentioned below) in using this data. However, it wasconsidered that, in the absence of any other relevant data, this provided the best andmost robust route to take in assessing any effect.COPFS were able to identify 458 such cases, covering the calendar year 2010.COPFS also identified a further 141 sexual offence cases, covering a period of sixmonths from 1 July 2010 to 31 December 2010, which were reported to its NationalSexual Crimes Unit, but where the accused was not placed on petition due to lack ofevidence.As this data was both confidential, subject to data protection requirements, andrequired someone with experience of the prosecution side of the criminal justicesystem, COPFS identified two procurators fiscal (an experienced prosecutor currentlyworking with solemn cases in COPFS and a recently retired senior District Procurator373

372Annex A

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