Report and Recommendations - Scottish Government

Report and Recommendations - Scottish Government

Report and Recommendations - Scottish Government


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he/she has a specific right to “prompt access to legal <strong>and</strong> other appropriateassistance, as well as the right to challenge the legality of the deprivation ofhis or her liberty before a court or other competent, independent <strong>and</strong> impartialauthority, <strong>and</strong> to obtain a prompt decision on any such action” 24 . Fifthly, ifhe/she is alleged to have committed an offence, the child has the right: “To beinformed promptly <strong>and</strong> directly of the charges against him or her, <strong>and</strong>, ifappropriate, through his or her parents or legal guardians, <strong>and</strong> to have legal orother appropriate assistance in the preparation <strong>and</strong> presentation of his or herdefence” 25 .6.3.16 The Council of Europe has produced Guidelines on “child friendly justice” 26which take into account the UN Convention <strong>and</strong> several other internationalinstruments, notably the UN St<strong>and</strong>ard Minimum Rules for the Administrationof Juvenile Justice (the “Beijing Rules” 1985) <strong>and</strong> the UN Rules for theProtection of Juveniles Deprived of their Liberty (the “Havana Rules” 1990).Again, a child is defined as a person under 18 years of age 27 <strong>and</strong> in, allproceedings, the child’s best interests are a primary consideration 28 . Stress isalso put on the child’s right to be informed of his/her rights <strong>and</strong> to beconsulted <strong>and</strong> heard 29 . Specifically, it is provided that “from their firstinvolvement with the justice system” children <strong>and</strong> their parents are to bepromptly <strong>and</strong> adequately informed of their rights <strong>and</strong> of any charges24 Article 37.125 Article 40.126 17 November 201027 Article II.a28 Article III.B.129 Article III.A.1212

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