Preliminary Announcement - Malaysian Dental Association

Preliminary Announcement - Malaysian Dental Association

Preliminary Announcement - Malaysian Dental Association

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MessageMESSAGE FROM THE ORGANIZING CHAIRMANMESSAGE FROM FDI - WORLD DENTAL FEDERATIONAs we celebrate our 67th years of excellence indental education and development of the <strong>Malaysian</strong><strong>Dental</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, we would be coming togetheragain to learn and share new ideas, acquire new skill,technique and technology in the world class KLCCConvention Centre from 10-13 June 2010.Throughout these years, the <strong>Malaysian</strong> <strong>Dental</strong><strong>Association</strong> maintains its dedication to the highest standards inpatient care, continuing dental and professional development. Thisremains the reason so many professionals have made the decisionto ally themselves with this leading organization. The mission of theOrganizing Committee is to advance science and arts of oral healthand dental technologies by disseminating state-of-the-art clinicaland scientific knowledge of dentistry.Our theme this year is “New Trend, New Technology, New Impactin Dentistry”. We chose this theme because we have made manybold and decisive moves to make this Convention the best andfinest organized so far. Firstly, we respond to the challenge of ourHonorable Minister of Health YB Dato’ Seri Liow Tiong Lai to make ourmaiden venture into the international arena. We are truly gratefulto our Honorable Minister of Health for his trust and confidence inus in bringing this International Convention to a new height. Weare also excited that the Ministry of Health has consented to beour Co-Organizer and the Malaysia Convention & Trade ExhibitionBureau (MyCEB), Tourism Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL)are also four square behind us in ensuring our success in this maideninternational venture.We are grateful that Singapore <strong>Dental</strong> Council fully recognizesour Continuing Professional Development Points (CPD) and theFederation Dentaire Internationale (FDI), the Chinese Stomatological<strong>Association</strong> (CSA) as well as other regional National <strong>Dental</strong><strong>Association</strong>s have pledged to support our 67th MDA AGM / FDIInternational Scientific Convention & Trade Exhibition.On the Scientific Programme, we are excited that there are 13internationally renowned Speakers would be speaking at our MainPodium which has a capacity of 3000 seats. For the first time, therewould also be special topics addressed by the Keynote Speakerson the Limited Attendance Lecture; Breakfast with the Speakerson the Clinical Round Table Discussion as well as learning newskills and techniques from the Speakers on the Clinical Hands-onWorkshop. Another new innovation in our programme is the specialsymposium conducted by the <strong>Dental</strong> Corporate, for instance, ColgateSymposium, 3i Symposium etc.This Convention would also continue with the tradition of promotingprofessional excellence and fellowship. To this end, there are manyother programmes organized concurrently. The Oral and PosterCompetition, the <strong>Dental</strong> Technician Seminar, <strong>Dental</strong> Auxiliary Seminar,Informal Night Dinner, Grand Opening Ceremony, cumulating to theGrand Finale - The 1 Malaysia MDA Gala Banquet.We are also going to stage a huge Trade Exhibition of internationalstandards. We are confident to attract many local and internationaldental as well as non-dental traders to exhibit in our InternationalConvention.The FDI World <strong>Dental</strong> Federation (FDI) is honored to be a partner ofthe <strong>Malaysian</strong> <strong>Dental</strong> <strong>Association</strong> (MDA) in organizing the ScientificProgram for the 67th MDA AGM / FDI International ScientificConvention & Trade Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centrethis year.We are living in an era of not only knowledge explosion but alsotechnology explosion. Those who actively practice Dentistryknow that we find new discoveries in the areas of dental material,equipment as well as clinical technique everyday. This is the resultof a concerted effort from research among the academic anddental industry. As new discoveries become available, cliniciansfind out through a process of knowledge transfer.Knowledge transfer is conventionally achieved through journalsand magazines. Today, although we can have the convenience ofsitting in our office or home and searching for information throughthe internet, we also can obtain new knowledge by attending studygroups, scientific courses, meetings and conventions like this one.Therefore there should be no excuses for anyone of not havingthe opportunities to pursue new knowledge. In fact, every dentalpractitioner should be committed to continuing professionaldevelopment as a commitment to his/her patients.As I collaborate with the leaders of the MDA over the years, Icome to notice their strong commitment in providing continuingeducation opportunities for its members. The FDI is proud tosupport the MDA’s effort in its 67th MDA AGM / FDI InternationalScientific Convention & Trade Exhibition this year by recommendingand sponsoring a number of distinguished speakers from differentparts of the world. I wish to congratulate the Organizing Chairman– Dr How Kim Chuan for achieving yet another milestone for theMDA. Dr How has immense energy and vision; he is a very talentedleader who would bring the MDA to a greater height in the nationalas well as international arena. I also wish to thank the generoussupport of the dental industry for their kind support. Last butnot the least; this Convention cannot be successful without yourparticipation. I am confident that you will acquire a great deal ofnew knowledge from your attendance and be able to bring it backto your practice.William Cheung, D.M.D., F.A.G.D., F.A.D.I.CE Programme Manager for Asia PacificFDI World <strong>Dental</strong> FederationThe Organizing Committee has pledged to deliver the best and thefinest Convention for our local and international delegates. Weaspire to break the records in all aspects in this coming Convention.We sincerely welcome you to this Convention and be part of thelegacy of our history making venture.Yours humbly,Dr How Kim ChuanPresident Elect & Organizing Chairman of the 67th MDA AGM / FDIInternational Scientific Convention & Trade Exhibition

Scientific Programme - SpeakersOrthodonticsDr Peter Gordon Miles (Australia)Topic: Self-ligating brackets – Unravelling theDa Vinci CodeProsthodonticsDr Christopher Evans (Australia)Topic: Implant aesthetics for the new decade- What’s new and What works ?Dr Chris Chang (Taiwan)Topic: Tough Orthodontic Cases Made Easywith Damon & OrthoBoneScrewOral Maxillofacial SurgeryProfessor St John Crean (United Kingdom)Topic: Management of Medical Emergenciesfor General <strong>Dental</strong> PractitionersHands On - Oral SurgeryDr Wong Foot Meow (Malaysia)Topic: Essential Practical Tips on Third MolarSurgery (LIve Surgery)Aesthetic DentistryPeriodonticsProfessor Mark Bartold (Australia)Topic: Periodontal Disease and SystemicDiseasesCone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) in DentistryDr Martin D. Levin (USA)Topic: Digital Technologies in <strong>Dental</strong> PracticeCariology and HypersensitivityProf. Roger Ellwood (United Kingdom)Topic: TBADr Marc Bachmann (Switzerland)Topic: Composite Artistry: a closer lookEndodonticsImplantologyDr Nadine Brodala (Germany)Topic: <strong>Dental</strong> Implantology and Piezosurgery:Benefits of a minimally invasivetechnology as an adjunctive in ImplantDentistryDr Marcus Dagnelid (Sweden)Topic: Guided Surgery in Implantology -Biology with Technology Creates NewDimensionsProf Syngcuk Kim (USA)Topic: TBAProf Dr Benjamín Briseño Marroquín(Germany)Topic: Successful and systematic preparationand bio-mechanical obturation of theroot canal system. Current conceptsbased on practical and scientificevidencePractice ManagementDr William Cheung (Hong Kong)Topic: Teamwork on Oral Health Prevention

SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Friday 11 June 2010Kuala Lumpur Convention CentreMain HallTIME SPEAKERS TOPICS7.30-8.00amREGISTRATION8.00-9.30am Dr. Nadine Brodala <strong>Dental</strong> Implantology and Piezosurgery: Benefits of a minimally invasivetechnology as an adjunctive in Implant Dentistry9.30-10.30am Dr. William Cheung Teamwork on Oral Health Prevention10.30-11.00amTEA BREAK/TRADE EXHIBITION11.00-12.30pm Prof. Dr. Benjamín Successful and systematic preparation and bio-mechanical obturation of theBriseño Marroquínroot canal system. Current concepts based on practical and scientificevidence12.30-2.00pmLUNCH/ TRADE EXHIBITION2.00-3.30pm Dr. Martin D. Levin Digital Technologies in <strong>Dental</strong> Practice3.30-4.00pmTEA BREAK/ TRADE EXHIBITION4.00-5.30pm Dr. Christopher Evans Implant aesthetics for the new decade - What’s new and What works ?7.30-11.00pmMDA INFORMAL NITESCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Saturday 12 June 2010Kuala Lumpur Convention CentreMain HallTIME SPEAKERS TOPICS8.00-9.30am Prof. Dr St John Crean Management of Medical Emergencies for General <strong>Dental</strong> Practitioners9.30-10.30am Prof. Roger Ellwood Lecture 2(TBA)10.30-11.30amOPENING CEREMONY11.30-1.00pm 67th MDA AGM (1)1.00-2.00pmLUNCH/TRADE EXHIBITION2.00-5.00pm5.00-5.30pm8.00-12.00am67th MDA AGM (2) DENTAL NURSES/DSA SEMINAR DENTAL TECHNICIAN SEMINARTEA BREAK/ TRADE EXHIBITION1 MALAYSIA MDA GALA BANQUETSCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Sunday 13 June 2010Kuala Lumpur Convention CentreMain HallTIME SPEAKERS TOPICS8.00-9.30am Dr Peter Gordon Miles Self-ligating brackets – Unravelling the Da Vinci Code9.30-11.00am Dr Marc Bachmann Composite Artistry: a closer look11.00-11.30amTEA BREAK/ TRADE EXHIBITION11.30-1.00pm Professor Mark Bartold Periodontal Disease and Systemic Diseases1.00-2.00pmLUNCH/ TRADE EXHIBITION2.00-3.30pm Dr Marcus Dagnelid Guided Surgery in Implantology - Biology with Technology Creates New Dimensions3.30-4.30pm Dr Chris Chang Tough Orthodontic Cases Made Easy with Damon & OrthoBoneScrew4.30-5.00pmTEA BREAK/ TRADE EXHIBITION5.00-6.30pm Professor Syngcuk Kim TBAHANDS - ON WORKSHOP Thursday 10 June 2010Kuala Lumpur Convention CentreRoomTIME VENUE SPEAKERS TOPICS9.00-12.00pm Dr Marc Bachman Composite Artistry: a closer look9.00-12.00pm Dr Chris Chang 3D Level Arm & OrthoBoneScrew Typodont Practice9.00-12.00pm Dr Marcus Dagnelid Computer-Guided Implant Therapy – A Hands-OnWorkshop in 3-D Digital Implant Dentistry9.00-12.00pm Dr Wong Foot Meow Essential Practical Tips on Third Molar Surgery(LIve Surgery)Corporate Symposium Thursday 10 June 2010TIME VENUE SPEAKERS TOPICS9.00-5.00pm Dr Marcus Dagnelid Featuring SimPlant and Navigator, PreFormance andDr Chan Siew LuenQuickbridgeDr Henry Quek

LIMITED ATTENDANCE LECTURE Sunday 13 June 2010Kuala Lumpur Convention CentreRoomTIME VENUE SPEAKERS TOPICS8.00-9.00amREGISTRATION9.00-12.00pm ROOM 302 Dr Peter Gordon Miles Practicing evidence-based clinical orthodontics9.00-12.00pm ROOM 303 Dr Chris Chang Maximize the power of orthodontic bone screws:advanced course9.00-12.00pm ROOM 304 Dr Marc Bachmann TBA9.00-12.00pm TBA Dr Martin D. Levin Focused Field Cone Beam Computed Tomography inEndodontic Practice9.00-12.00pm ROOM 305 Professor St John Crean Diagnosis and Management of Temporomandibular jointdisorder and Management of Orofacial Pain10.00-10.30amTEA BREAK/TRADE EXHIBITION12.00-2.00pmLUNCH/ TRADE EXHIBITION2.00-4.00pm ROOM 302 Dr Marcus Dagnelid Guided surgery with Simplant and Navigator –When, why and how to use different loading – andprovisionalisation techniques2.00-4.00pm TBA Prof Syngcuk Kim TBA3.30-4.00pmTEA BREAK/ TRADE EXHIBITIONROUND TABLE CLINIC Saturday 12 June 2010Kuala Lumpur Convention CentreTIME VENUE SPEAKERS TOPICS8.30-10.00am TBA Dr Marcus Dagnelid Breakfast one-on-one: Guided Surgery – A Tool ForCreating Success With Your Patients8.30-10.00am TBA Dr Chris Chang Management of Impacted Canine and surgicaltechnique8.30-10.00am TBA Professor St John Crean The management of complications following(13 June 2010) displacement of oral implants into the paranasalSundaysinuses8.30-10.00am TBA Dr Martin D Levin TBA8.30-10.00am TBA Prof Syngcuk Kim TBADisclaimer: The Organizing Committee reserves the right to change or cancel the programme without any prior notice ifcircumstance dictatesGrand Opening CeremonyDate: 12 June 2010 Time: 10:30amVenue: Main Plenary Hall, KLCC Convention CentreScientific Programme1) Main Podium Keynote Speaker ( 1500-3000 pax)2) Limited Attendance Lecture (100pax)3) Round Table Clinic (10 pax)4) Hands-on Workshop (30 pax)5) Oral and Poster Research Competition6) Corporate Symposium (100 pax)Social Programme1) Informal Night ( 500 pax)2) 1 Malaysia MDA Gala Banquet (800 pax)3) One Day City Tour (100 pax) * prior bookings need to be made4) Pre and Post Conference Tour * prior bookings need to be made<strong>Dental</strong> Auxialliary Programme1) <strong>Dental</strong> Technician Seminar2) <strong>Dental</strong> Nurses/ DSA SeminarPublic <strong>Dental</strong> Education Programme1) Free Public <strong>Dental</strong> Education Talk2) Free Public <strong>Dental</strong> Screening3) MDA Chairty ProgrammeDelegates who register during the 17thMDA FDI Conference would be receivinga special mystery gift<strong>Dental</strong> Trade ExhibtionThe largest <strong>Dental</strong> Trade Exhibition in Malaysia & one of the largest in the Southeast Asia region

67TH MDA AGM/ FDI INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONVENTIONORAL & POSTER PRESENTATION COMPETITIONGuidelines for Abstract Submission1. All abstracts must be submitted in English.2. Title should be written in CAPITAL letters.3. Abstract should not exceed 250 words.4. Font: Calibri, Size 11, Single space.5. Initials written under the title should follow authors’ surnames. (Surname A.B)6. Name of the author who is to present the paper is marked by an asterisk. (Surname* A.B)7. Name of institution(s) should follow the name of author(s) on a separate line.8. If there is more than one institution, use numbers (Arabic and Superscript) to match institution to author.9. The abstract should be arranged in structured fashion: Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusion.10. Please include 3 Keywords at the end of the abstract.Please email your abstract to Scientific Presentation Chairman,Dr. Marlynda Ahmad at poster_oral@yahoo.comDeadline for submissionThe deadline for submission is 7 May 2010. No abstract will be accepted after this date. Acceptance or rejectionwill be notified by email on 14 May 2010. Please note that the PRESENTER of an ACCEPTED abstract mustregister and pay the registration fee for the Conference before 31 May 2010. Only qualified dentist is eligible toenter this competition.Please provide the Scientific Presentation Committee with the following information:1. Presenter’s full name:2. Name of institution:3. Email address:4. Contact number:5. The mode of presentation: Oral/PosterTHE INFLUENCE OF NANO-FILLED AND UNFILLED RESIN SURFACE COATING AGENTS ONTHE STAIN RESISTANCE OF PROVISIONAL RESTORATIONS.Chong C.W 1 , Wong C.S 1 , Ahmad M 1* , Seow L.L 2 , Tarib N.A 11Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia2Faculty of Dentistry, International Medical UniversityObjectives: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of surface coating agents in reducingextrinsic stain of two provisional materials. Materials and methods: Three different types of surface coatingagents, nanofilled resin [G-Coat PLUS (GC)] and two unfilled resins [Permaseal ® (Ultradent) and OptiGuard(Kerr)] were examined. The specimens discs were prepared with bis-acryl composite (Protemp 4) andethyl-methacrylate resin (Bosworth Trim ® ). Only Bosworth Trim ® specimens were polished with Sof-lex dics.Surface coating agents were applied. Control groups were left uncoated. The specimens were immersed in acoffee solution for 72 hours at 37 ° Celsius. The colour at baseline and post-immersion were measured withreflection spectrophotometer (Datacolor international, Dataflash 100). Color change (ΔE) was calculated anddata were analyzed with two-way ANOVA and the Tukey multiple comparisons test. Results: Colour changewas most pronounced after immersion in a coffee solution, exceeding the clinical acceptance discolorationthreshold value of ∆E*=3.3 with the exception of the Bosworth Trim ® control group, ∆E*=1.58. Surfacecoating agents significantly increased the colour changes of Bosworth Trim ® . Nano-filled resin [G-Coat PLUS(GC)] improved stain resistance of bis-acryl composite Protemp 4 3M ESPE. Conclusions: Applicationof nanofilled resin significantly improved stain resistance of bis-acryl composite. Ethyl-methacrylate resinreveals the greatest stain resistance.SampleKeywords: surface coating agent, colour changes, stain resistance.

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