IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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Wayne Sawyer and Michael SinghAUTHORS’ BIODATAWAYNE SAWYERAssociate Professor Wayne Sawyer is Head of <strong>Research</strong> in the School of Education at the Universityof Western Sydney and a member of the Centre for Educational <strong>Research</strong>. His central researchinterests are in the areas of effective teaching, English curriculum and educational policy. He has beenwidely published in the area of English (L1) curriculum. He supervises a number of internationalresearch students and is interested the development of scholarly argumentation among students whoare working in an L2 milieu.MICHAEL SINGHProfessor Michael Singh is engaged in researching the challenging opportunities presented by changesin the diversity of learners and teachers for making intellectual connections. His research focuses onthe presence of international, migrant and refugee students and/or teachers in Australia’s educationinstitutions and the significant opportunities this creates for developing programs and pedagogies toimprove their education and work/life trajectories. He leads a team of researchers, including researchstudents from China, in a study of research-oriented, school engaged teacher education which aims tostimulate increased interest among school students in learning Mandarin.74 www.ielts.org

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