IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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Glenys MerrifieldThe CanTEST is seen as an appropriate test for Canadian post-secondary course admission or forregistration purposes. However:■■■■■■■■■■It is generic in language focusIt is available in only five approved locationsIt is unavailable offshore, where most registration applicants are locatedThere is a waiting period of six weeks to three months to retake the test, depending on theskills required.The MELAB is similarly limited.In addition, it is difficult for local tests to provide the same support to candidates in terms of practicematerials and preparation courses as the international testing systems. It is unlikely that they will gainmarket share outside the countries in which they are offered.5.4.2 Rationale for selection of <strong>IELTS</strong>Some associations used <strong>IELTS</strong> for more than one purpose, depending on the role or roles of theorganisation. These are shown in Table 8 below.Role of the language assessmentNumber of associationsCanada UK IrelandRegistration to practise a profession 7 6 3Eligibility to sit for examination to assess capability to practise a profession 4 5 1Eligibility to enter professional training program 1 4 0Table 8. The role of language assessment in professional associationsMany of the individuals interviewed, particularly in Canada and Ireland, while very well-informedabout the professional qualifications they were expecting of registrants, were aware of the importanceof English language communication skills but had only a basic understanding of the English languageassessment tools their organisation was accepting. International testing and assessment systems varywidely in format and outcomes, but there is consistency in the characteristics and values sought byusers who are not language experts.Essentially, organisational users are seeking an assessment tool that allows them to meet all purposes.They need to be able to set realistic standards in simple terms, to understand without requiringdetailed linguistic knowledge the language competencies signified by the attainment levels, to useor recommend a quality product to clients and to be assured that they are dealing with overseasprofessionals in a fair and equitable way.In terms of quality, the most desirable characteristics of a viable assessment system appear to be:■■■■Global reliability of outcomes, so that whether a candidate sat for a test in China, thePhilippines or Canada, the assessment would not differGlobal accessibility for the many professionals who apply for registration from theirhome country58 www.ielts.org

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