IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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Glenys MerrifieldTwo associations did not specify a minimum band score for Reading, Writing and Listening. All fiveof the nursing associations, however, had established a higher minimum outcome for the Speakingtest, highlighting their perception that oral communication skills were a priority.In overall scores, six of the respondents specified a minimum overall score of 6.5, and the other four,three of these involving pharmacy and one representing teachers, required an overall band score of 7.0.One association indicated that applicants had the option of presenting a case to a specially convenedCommittee to argue that 5.5 should be accepted. This was reportedly a relatively rare occurrence.At least three of the associations indicated that they would accept the best result of two or moretests, provided they had been completed in the previous two years. This may be due to the fact thatthe associations are accustomed to dealing with tests that have separate components which may betaken individually.Three associations had reviewed the minimum levels, either raising them or putting in place minimumscores for each macroskill in addition to an overall score. This was seen as minimising the risk of aregistrant presenting with one particularly low skill competency, thus potentially interfering with theirfitness to practise.The organisations which responded to the study were unanimous in their strong appreciation of the<strong>IELTS</strong> verification service, indicating that the security of this system gave them “peace of mind”.Although there is reportedly general acceptance of nursing practitioners from province to provincein Canada, it is interesting to note from Table 2 that the language assessment levels they requirediffer somewhat. In the case of pharmacy professionals, however, the fact that there is an overarchingbody which sets benchmarks for pharmacists on a national basis means that the required languageassessment levels have been standardised.5.1.2 Alternative language assessment systems accepted – CanadaAll Canadian associations accepted at least one other test in addition to <strong>IELTS</strong>, most commonlythe iB TOEFL. There appeared to be far more consistency in the minimum scores required in thesealternative tests, the only deviation being those required by the College of Nurses of Ontario, whichtook into account a Standard Error of Measurement when setting minimum standards.The numbers tested annually could be anything from just over one hundred (for example, the Collegeof Pharmacists of British Columbia) to in excess of a thousand (for example, the College of RegisteredNurses of British Columbia), with numbers reportedly increasing from year to year because of thegovernment’s open door policy for certain professions.Many of the Canadian associations accepted up to four or five alternative testing systems.Table 3 opposite sets out the alternative assessment systems and language levels accepted by Canadianprofessional bodies.For Canadian associations, the perceived advantages of <strong>IELTS</strong> were as follows:■■Wide accessibility throughout the world■■Frequency of testing dates■■Online validation of band scores■■Reliability■■Live examiners using “real day-to-day” English in interpersonal interactions.50 www.ielts.org

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