IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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The cognitive processes of taking <strong>IELTS</strong> Academic Writing Task 1ID Grade Comments on Handouts1 6 It is well organized and there are a lot of useful information2 6 Excellent content coverage and well delivered lecture: I believe it will be very useful for my preparation for<strong>IELTS</strong> writings3 4 Some of the information contained in the training package can be found online; but I will continue usingthink-aloud to train myself for the test4 6 I want to be provided much more5 66 5 It explained in much detail about all aspects of AWT1, provided constructive feedback and suggestions,provided some samples and exercises; it is really helpful for us to understand and grasp AWT17 6 The materials are well prepared, with detailed and rich content, very good for test preparation8 59 610 611 612 513 6 These materials tell us what AWT1 tests, and the constructive and analytical tutorials, which are all veryhelpful preparation for AWT1 tasks14 5 Although I’ve only read part of the handouts, I find it really useful. The tips were helpful to me.ID Grade Most useful content Least useful content Wish list of content1 6 Don’ts and dos based on myaction2 5 Especially the lecture on the thirdnight3 5 think-aloud training, it helps me tofind out my weaknesses4 4 How to think aloud and describea chart/table/diagram…We think faster than speak/write.When thinking and write, we havetime to re-organize ideas; butat think-aloud & write, we don’thave time to re-organize, we saywhat we think, and sometimesour thinking can be interrupted,maybe it’s because of my lowEnglish abilityI’ve already known someinformation contained in thehandouts5 46 4 the third training session Although think-aloud has greatpotential, some of the problemsdetected through think-aloud arethe problems I’m already awareof, therefore I don’t think it is themost efficient strategy to improvewritingfeedback of the essays we wroteI think it might be better fortraining if we wrote without thinkaloudfirst, then think-aloud orre-visit our thinkingIt would be good to have morecomments from the tutor on eachindividual writingFor specific graph or chart, howto describe and in what sequencewe should organize our ideas andthoughtshow to analyse all sorts ofdifferent graphs, provideexemplars, and explain goodreasoning strategies7 5 interaction during the training NONE It seems that we have alreadyhad all.8 4 interaction the training could be longer<strong>IELTS</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Reports</strong> Volume 11447

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