IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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Guoxing Yu, Pauline Rea-Dickins and Richard KielyAPPENDIX 11: STUDENT EVALUATION OF THE PROJECT AND ITS TRAINING:GRADE AND QUALITATIVE COMMENTSNote: blank means no additional comments were provided by the student.ID Grade Comments on the training overall1 5 if there are some good examples to analyses, cause what we see here is written by Chinese, that wouldbe better2 5 I now have an overview of the requirements of <strong>IELTS</strong> AWT1 tasks, how to analyze graphs and what Ishould pay attention to, what I should avoid, e.g. it’s necessary to describe what is in graphs, but not tofurther reasoning3 4 partly, I haven’t take a view of the whole test4 6 Through this training, I know a lot more about AWT15 46 4 I’m not quite sure about the long-term effect yet, but think-aloud is very useful, it helps us to pay attentionto the problems in our writing process and find some solutions to these problems.7 5 To me this training is extremely useful, this kind of training is much better and effective than otherintensive preparation courses and self-study8 5 Now I have systematic understanding of AWT19 6 The lecture was very useful10 511 6 I think it is beneficial to both my writing and speaking ability12 5 I have learned some special words and idioms for describing the trend or extent13 5 The training made me aware of the way I think when doing the graph writing, and helped me developmyself. It also gave us some useful tips14 5 Maybe it’s a bit short. If the period can be arranged a little longer, such as 2 weeks, and the training bemore scattered, the effects will be much betterID Grade Comments on learning support1 62 5 I now know a lot more useful words to describe graphs3 4 partly, I wasn’t ready psychologically, it was quite new to me, I need time to adjust myself and make thebest use of the resources provided4 5 It let me know what is AWT15 56 4 The tutor listened to our think-aloud and pointed out some problems we had; this is really useful forindividuals to notice our problems.7 5 (same as for Q1:To me this training is extremely useful, this kind of training is much better and effectivethan other intensive preparation courses and self-study)8 59 6 The only pity is that there could be more feedback so that we know what our weaknesses are10 411 612 513 5 It gave us much better understanding of all types of graphs, background knowledge, it is eye opening,broaden my horizon.14 3 The support can be given more individually446 www.ielts.org

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