IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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Guoxing Yu, Pauline Rea-Dickins and Richard KielyTask Personal interpretations and comments ParticipantA: UK CO2 Furthmore, in my point of view, the measure to control the amount of CO2 emissions issuccessful these years, especially to control the CO2 emissions by industry. The measurecan be done in the future. However the measure to control the transport CO2 emissions isnot so successful, I think better measure may be taken to solve the problem. And I think theproblem may be because of the number of cars owned by personal user becomes largerand larger year by year. So we may use some way to enough people go out to work or tohave great time by bus, by train or other public transport. Another way to solve the problemis to use new energy which produce less emmison than the fuel we use nowadays. (a largeproportion of her writing is about finding out the underlying reasons)The reasons of the graphs reveals that more and more people began to own their privatecars and transport make big contribution in CO2 emissions in the UK. The industry anddomestic graphs decrease because we use a lot of energy like electricity or nuclear powerthan 1970s. (a large proportion of her writing is about finding out the underlying reasons)The industry has been always developing, so I think the UK government must have tooksome methods and give a policy to cut down CO2 emission in industry. And the CO2emissions by transport grows slowly during the years. It’s because that the UK is usingmore transport, maybe its population grows or it has more travellers from the world. So theGovernment has to do well in his job to offer enough transport. I see that CO2 emissionby domestic changes a little but it seems to be periodic, that is it decrease in a year or aperiod, and in the next years, it increases. So is there relationship between domestic andeconomic because the economic development is also periodic. The industry produces lessand less CO2 while the transport produces more and more, I think the UK government wastrying to change its economic…, to develop industry as a smaller part and to develop its …as a bigger part. (almost the whole piece of writing is about explaining the reasons)In conclusion, CO2 emissions by industry is less and less than before, while we have seenan increasing emissions by transportation in the last 30 years. That’s what we should careabout.Interestingly, I think now the transport should be taken consideration carefully. I think itwill be the big problem to our living environment. Because in this graph it is the only lineclimbing high step by step. We can see from the graph, in 1970 the CO2 emission is about20, but in 2004, the CO2 emission excess the 40 million tonnes, just increased 2 timesas before. All in all, I think the transport problem we should cope with earlier before itdeterirating.Now I think it must be the reason why the government restrain the personal car and set upmore rules go the licences. It may be used, I thought; Oh. It’s not relation to the graph. I gotback to it. Plus them, distinguish the difference among them and what will I do next. MaybeI’ll find them a reason . The industry cut down its emission for the process and technologymoderate, maybe the transport can cut down it emission at the same way. Like enwidethe road, redesign the program of traffic lights, transport emission may go down by thosemeasures.There is no end for developments of industry and domestic because the technology is stilldeveloping. So I predict that the UK CO2 emissions of industry and domestic will increasein the future when CO2 emission of transport increase to some level.A: Layout In my point of view, the development of world make great changes in the area of the picture.Firstly, in modern world, there’s not enough space in cities for people to do sport, and wealso like the woodland and scrubland which is hardly seen in the cities, so a golf course isbuilt. Secondly, just I stated above to the space in the cities is not enough. As a result, morepeople build their houses here, as well as new hospital, car park, leisure complex and soon. In order ot go the places easily, people broaden the road and build the railway. Becauseof the use of land, our lake area and agricultural land become smaller. Furthermore, peoplenow take more care of wild animals, so I think that’s why the marshland in 1937 is replacedby the wildfowl sanctuary.Although there are a lot of buildings in 1995, the lake and the farm was becoming smallerand smaller. It’s the cost of economic and social development.The economy level should have a great improve.BCEGRT (from thinkaloud protocol)WBCD444 www.ielts.org

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