IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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Guoxing Yu, Pauline Rea-Dickins and Richard KielyAPPENDIX 10: PERSONAL INTERPRETATIONS AND COMMENTS IN TASK BAND TASK A WRITINGSTask Personal interpretations and comments ParticipantB: Broadcast This report suggested that the prepared work and the support work were the most importantjob in the broadcast.B: EU FundThe hole [whole] task of finishing the documentary was difficult and need a lot of money andlabours, and also with complex process.It would be benefitful for them to do some research first so they finished it in early March.Interestingly, we find that most of the process of the broadcast had been donecomparatively long before it was broadcasted on TV.In conclusion, the broadcast of a documentary by a TV programme takes a lot of time andwork, and it also needs financial support to make all of these happen.Finally, the greatest moment came. The documentary was broadcasted on TV on 27/09/98.The diagram gives us a complete and clear picture about the sequence of the events thatled to the broadcast of a documentary by a TV programme.Doing an broadcast of the documentary on TV is an hard work. We need a plan and do justas the plan.From the two charts, we can conclude that the transport receiving the largest proportion ofEU funds is not the one that emits the most CO2 for different forms of transport.So it may be possible to speculate that we would promote the development of buses,coaches, rail and so on.When comparing the bar chart and pie chart, we may find that, generally, the form makemore grams of CO2, the less percent of fund it would receive.The conclusion of my report is: The amount of CO2 in different forms of transport are quitedifferent, and the pecentiage [percentage] of funds be used in different kinds of transportare also very different from each other, and the coast of money in one kind of transport maynot be linked with its CO2 emission.(think-aloud): I don’t actually know the meaning about the forms of the transport, I can’t findthe corresponding parts in the pie chat for each form of transport. … Then I make someconclusion. The emission cause the funds increase or the funds down cause the emissionincrease. What is the relationship between them? I can’t decide it up. And I don’t know theefficiency about the funds. I can only get the trends that if pay more money on the transport,the emission will go down. Actually, the deep relationship between them, I can’t say muchclearly.Maybe the government need to expend more funds on the air transport to reduce the CO2emissions of air to control the pollution.B: Viewing we can draw a conclusion that, the five major TV channels got different individuals viewingshare and had different dropping or growing trends year by year.B: Map To sum up, the amount of CO2 emission is different among countries all over the world.And, the difference is a significance.In a word, North America and Asia were the largest CO2 emission countries”. (Note:summary based on previous knowledge)The square of Japan is much smaller than other countries in the table, but it has the rank of4 in CO2 emission, even more than India’s 1,007,980. (involving prior knowledge of the sizeof Japan)There are two countries in North America, three countries in Asia and three countriesin Europe. The Middle East countries, like Iraq, just have no data, which means thatthese countries have rarely no CO2 emission” (involving prior knowledge of continents. Itmisinterpreted the Iraq information)CHKLQXGJKNTXBBCDE442 www.ielts.org

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