IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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Guoxing Yu, Pauline Rea-Dickins and Richard Kielytable than in the pie chart. So I will concentrate more on the table. Ok, I think I am goingto give, make a very very brief draft. I will firstly give a opening paragraph, and then I amgoing to talk about, yeah, the first pie chart and then second table. If I have time, I will drawa conclusion. If I don’t have time, just forget it. Ok, now start.Opening paragraph, eh… we have some sentence pattern like report. Ok, it is reported that,ok, it is reported that in the pie chart that, oh, no no I made a mistake. Because I just directlyto the second paragraph. I should have the opening paragraph. So, I should firstly say thechart and table, eh…I see, chart and table, below, yes, ok, below, describe, we use describeinstead of giving information about, describe, how water was used in the whole world. I amchanging the wording and paraphrasing in the world as well as in five different countries inthe year 2000. Because it is in year 2000, actually it is past tense. This is very important…past tense. And then, describing the first graph. As something shows, as the pie chart shows,eh, agriculture, I should have a phrase here, take, account for is better. Agriculture accounted,past tense, accounted for 70% of the world water use in 2000. Now I am comparing so I canuse the link word while, while domestic, while industry, industry took 22% and domesticuse, here use is a noun, domestic use, 8%. Because I only give the figure, and then I shouldgive some comments, so the amount of the water used by agriculture was, say, was morethan twice. Because 70% and together, eh, agriculture took 70% but together domestic andindustry only took 30%. So you can say the amount of water used by agriculture was morethan twice the amount of industrial and domestic use. Ok, seems enough.Now, I am moving on to the table. This is more difficult and more complex. Therefore, Ishould pay more attention to it. Let’s say. According to the table, I think I can, Ok, I thinkI can firstly give a brief account of the main information given in the table like in the fivecountries. No, four countries, one two three four, make a mistake, four countries, not fivecountries, just now miscounted. One of the four countries, yes, China and India used morewater in agriculture while New Zealand and Canada not. And ok, so in China and India,agriculture accounted for the most water user while in New Zealand and Canada, it is notthe case. Ok, ok, we will start with this. According to the table, India and China, agriculture,oh, maybe I should just refine wording in the last sentence of the second paragraph. Ishould say, the amount of the water used by agriculture was more than twice the amountof industrial and domestic use together. I can add together to make it more accurate. Now Iam continuing. According to the table of India and China, agriculture, eh, took the largestproportion of water use in the year 2000. eh, yes, ok, yes, right…ok…took the largestproportion of water use in the year 2000. India used 92% while China, I am comparing,while China 69%. Eh, however, in New Zealand and Canada, because Canada use thesmallest amount of water in agriculture, I can put Canada first. In Canada and New Zealand,oh, I should change, it didn’t mention, because it is different, in New Zealand, domestic useaccounts for biggest proportion in Canada, it’s industry. I should change. I should describe itone by one. However, in Canada, industry took the, I should, I should change the wording,paraphrase, industry took the, took the most amount of water use. The most amount, thelargest amount. Industry took the largest amount of water use reaching 80%. While in NewZealand, I can use the sentence pattern to emphasize. It was, while in New Zealand, it wasdomestic use that accounted for the biggest water use, ok, so about largest water user in thefour countries.422 www.ielts.org

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