IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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Glenys Merrifieldwho were educated in Canada or the USA in pharmacy may not be required to provide evidence ofEnglish language competency, and where evidence of English language competency was required,documentation should reflect a language assessment conducted in the two years leading up to theapplication for registration.As a guide to provincial regulatory authorities, NAPRA’s policy is to accept iB TOEFL, paper-basedand computer-based TOEFL, MELAB, <strong>IELTS</strong>, and the CanTEST. Guidelines on acceptable levels ofachievement were established as set out in Table 1 below.While it was not possible to interview a representative of NAPRA, it could be assumed that theequivalencies for each of the language assessment systems accepted for benchmarking by its membersmay either be historically based or perhaps the result of research.In the case of <strong>IELTS</strong>, a minimum of 6.0 in each of the macroskills is required; if a band score lowerthan 7.0 is achieved in one or more macroskills then this would need to be compensated for by scoresof 7.5 or above in one or more macroskills. An overall band score of 7.0 is deemed to be sufficientlyhigh to indicate that a pharmacist is able to communicate on a variety of levels and with a broad rangeof interlocutors.This national approach has guided the provincial authorities in the standards of English language required. Ontario College of PharmacistsThe Ontario College of Pharmacists (OCP) is a self-regulatory body funded by public membershipfees, and its role is to register pharmacists as a prerequisite to practising. Members include pharmacists,pharmacy students and interns, and membership will shortly be extended to pharmacy technicians.The role of the college is to maintain quality standards, and it operates as a gateway to pharmacypractice through setting and monitoring professional standards. It operates as a complaints reviewbody. It also works in cooperation with education providers of CCAPP or ACPE accredited courses,and sponsors the conduct of accredited communication skills programs.As in other states, the Ontario College of Pharmacists operates under the NAPRA framework. Asatisfactory result in <strong>IELTS</strong> or another accepted assessment system is a pre-registration requirement.The college considers language proficiency to be a vital skill for registered pharmacists, whoare required to communicate with patients with a broad range of demographics as well as fellowprofessionals. It has been using <strong>IELTS</strong> for a period of five years, and took on the NAPRA standards in2006 following training and advice from a leading academic at the University of Toronto.It is interesting to note that the Ontario College of Pharmacists departs from the NAPRA standardsin the respect that it allows applicants for registration who have an <strong>IELTS</strong> band score of 5.5 in one ormore of the macroskills to take an option of mounting an argument for its acceptability. Most present atest result, however.According to college representatives, feedback from candidates indicates that many have a preferencefor <strong>IELTS</strong>, as they perceive it to be easier than alternative assessment systems. While some candidatesquestion the relevance of <strong>IELTS</strong> because it does not include professional content, the college supportsa more general context, taking the view that professional content is addressed in the training programs,and it is more important in language assessment to assess fluency and acculturation.38 www.ielts.org

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