IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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Anthony Green and Roger HawkeyExperienced Group: ElizabethItemsQuestions 1–6Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.Write the correct letter in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.1 What problem does the writer identify with the study done at Stanford Universityin 1913?A The research was based on a false assumption.B The findings conflict with those of later studies.C The conclusion has not been accurately reported .D The researchers did not clearly identify age groups.2 The writer claims tests such as the multiple sleep latency test may not have validresults becauseA they do not use a representative sample of the population.B they require the subjects to try to sleep in unrealistic conditions.C they do not make precise enough measurements of the time slept.D they encourage the subjects to sleep more than they would normally.3 The writer mentions the ‘Saturday morning lie-in’ as an example ofA a treat that may actually be harmful to health.B something unnecessary that is done for pleasure.C a time when we can catch up on the sleep we need.D something that may not actually lead to extra sleep.4 What is the writer’s conclusion about the link between sleep and obesity?A A good way to lose weight is to sleep less.B The risk of lack of sleep causing obesity is insignificant.C Too much sleep leads to obesity in only 5% of cases.D There is no relationship between lack of sleep and obesity.370 www.ielts.org

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