IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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Anthony Green and Roger Hawkey16 Roomba is...A a babyB a cleaning device.C a robot in human form.D a student.17 Experts’ views on the extent that robots can be humanised...A are varied.B are critical.C are positive.D are consistent.Answer KeyMatchingQuestions 1-51 People are reluctant to think that robots can have intentions. D Daniel Levin2 People’s opinion of robots will always be limited. A Herbert Clarke3 People have moved on from thinking of robots as only useful for risky and repetitive tasks. CJa Young Sung4 People react more to robots that are physically similar to humans. E Frank Heger5 People can and will interact with humans in a completely natural way. B Hiroshi IshiguroSummary CompletionQuestions 6-13A recent study by Frank Heger concluded that how a robot 6. looks is essential in determining the 7. (social)interaction it can have with humans. In his experiment, volunteers had to assess four opponents ranging fromvery machine-like equipment to real 8. humans. Volunteers were put in a MRI scanner, which measured theactivity of their 9. brains, wearing 10. video goggles showing images of their opponents. They then had to decidewhether to work with or 11. betray the opponent. Their scans showed that their assessment of 12. mental statewas more active when their opponent appeared more 13. human-like.354 www.ielts.org

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