IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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An impact study into the use of <strong>IELTS</strong> by professional associations and registration entities:Canada, the United Kingdom and Ireland3.6 Canadian Test of English for Scholars and Trainees (CanTEST)The Canadian Test of English for Scholars and Trainees was developed by the Language TestingService of the University of Ottawa as a tool for assessment of English language skills in both theacademic and the professional arena. It is matched against Canadian Language Benchmarks 6 to 11and is one of the approved tests for CLB. Assessment tests are offered at approved test centres in ninecities throughout Canada.According to the University of Ottawa website, the CanTEST was designed for two main purposes: toassess whether a candidate is able to meet fluency requirements for entry to post-secondary educationand training courses, and to test language proficiency for professional registration.It is constructed of a listening test with approximately 40 multiple choice or short answer questions,reading tests which include a skimming and scanning exercise and a multiple choice and short answersection, a writing test of 45 minutes in the form of an essay and a fifteen minute face-to-face interviewwith two assessors.The outcomes are a set of scores, called Band Levels, for each macroskill on a range of one to five.The Band Levels are described as Novice (1), Very Basic User (2), Limited User (3), Competent User(4), Very Good User (5) and Fluent User (5+). Candidates receive an “Unofficial Score Report” afterthe test and the official report is sent directly to their institution or association of choice.Candidates may register separately for either the Writing or Speaking components, or all three skillstests for Listening, Reading and Writing. There is a six week waiting period to retake the Speakingtest, and candidates may not retake the Reading and Listening test within three months of sitting.The CanTEST is accepted by the national body for pharmacy regulation in Canada , and the twoCanadian pharmacy associations, but like the CELBAN, it has limited accessibility and is little knownoutside of Canada.3.7 Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB)The Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB) is an assessment system designedto assess language competency for entry to education programs and entry to professional trainingor work. It is administered by the English Language Institute of the University of Michigan in theUSA, and is available at thirty-two locations in twenty provinces in the USA, and fourteen approvedlocations in six provinces in Canada.The test consists of a composition, a Listening test and a written test, with an additional optionalSpeaking test available at some testing centres. Scores on the first three parts are averaged to reach afinal score, and scores are issued within eight to ten weeks. Candidates receive an unofficial score andofficial scores are sent directly to the institution or professional body listed by the candidate in theirregistration form.The MELAB can be re-taken every two months, up to six times per year, and results can take up totwo months to be issued. It is accepted by eight Canadian associations.This test is appropriate for North American residents, but is not available internationally. Its limitedaccessibility and long waiting period for results mean that it could not be considered a seriouscompetitor to <strong>IELTS</strong>.<strong>IELTS</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Reports</strong> Volume 1133

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