IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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An empirical investigation of the process of writing Academic Readingtest items for the International English Language Testing System9 Implicit memory differs from episodic memory in thatA it does not relate to definite events.B it only applies to non specific events.C it only applies to semantic memories.D it is completely distinct from episodic memory.Task Type 2Short-answer QuestionsChoose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.10 The writer describes several different types of memory. The type of information stored bydeclarative memory can be known/ declared.11 The writer describe the kind of condition during the hypnagogia stage of sleep an in-between state.12 The writer uses the Frost poem as an example of intense physical experience.13 The research benefit the Tetris experience provides is that it makes interpretationunnecessary/ redundant.Words in italics are the answersNon-Experienced Group: MathildaTextHow-and Where-Will We Live in 2015?The future is now for sustainable cities in the U.K., China, and U.A.E.Future City MadsarNo cars in the land of oil.In an ironic twist, the first city to fully turn its back on petroleum is likely to spring up in the UnitedArab Emirates, the oil-producing giant in the Middle East. Madsar, a carbon-neutral, zero-waste,walled metropolis now under construction adjacent to the Abu Dhabi airport, will have manyinnovative green technologies, but it may be most noteworthy for one thing it won’t have:gas-consuming cars.Nearly all of the world’s motor vehicles run on petroleum, and the environmental consequences areobvious. For example, 28 percent of carbon emissions in the United States result from the burningof 14 million barrels of oil a day for transportation, primarily in cars and small trucks. Madsar willdo away with this problem. Urbanites will walk along shaded sidewalks, and if the sweltering desert<strong>IELTS</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Reports</strong> Volume 11345

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