IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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Anthony Green and Roger HawkeyJane Anne WilliamDo you feel that youritem writing for theacademic reading testhas improved withexperience?I hope so. It is always helpfulto see the kinds of texts otherwriters are using and how theyapproach the task types.Definitely. It takes a while tolearn how to write for differentpapers and also where tosource appropriate texts from.Yes - I think I work faster thanI used to.Has the proportion ofsuccessful readingcommissionsincreased in that time?This has remained fairlyconstant.YesMost have been accepted<strong>IELTS</strong> supportmaterials (e.g itemwriter guidelines) youconsult before or whileyou select texts andwrite test items:When I am writing the items,I sometimes refer to the itemwriter guidelinesCommissioning letter fromCambridge ESOLItem writer guidelinesCommissioning letter fromCambridge ESOLItem writer feedback formsfrom pre-editing reviewWhat additionalsupport materialsmight assist you withtext selection, editingand item writing?I’m not sure. There isconsiderable support inthe item writer guidelines -especially for writing the itemsText selection is probably oneof the hardest aspects andmore guidance with this isalways welcome.Samples of good practicei.e. texts and tasks that haveworked wellNoneDo you see your <strong>IELTS</strong> academic reading material in the meetings below? If so, how much of your material do yousee at each? (e.g. If you see all your material edited at editing meetings, you should put 100%)pre-editing meetings:Writers don't always attendtheseNoediting meetings:I have attended one pre-editingmeeting since I started100% Nopretest reviewmeetings:Every commissionIt depends - sometimes quite alot. On other occasions none ofyour material may come up ata pretest review meetingYes - generally 100%,occasionally 66% or 75%How would youdescribe theexperience ofattending these <strong>IELTS</strong>meetings?I have attended a few PTRmeetings - perhaps once ayearHelpfulIt depends very much on theother people involved. <strong>IELTS</strong>academic reading is positive.336 www.ielts.org

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