IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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Anthony Green and Roger HawkeyworryingWhen you can’t finda text (Anne)You can easilyspend half a dayand come up withnothing (Elizabeth)Getting the task towork (Jane)PLEASINGcreativeAll the writing iscreative, eventhough we arestarting withsomething – ratherlike putting on aplay (William)Editing problemsolving can becreative, but notsatisfactory whenyou seem to bedoing another itemwriter’s work forthem (William)Proof readingTechniques forwriting enoughitems – ‘insummaries you’vegot to go for thenouns, which youdidn’t know whenyou first started’(Anne)PROGRAMMATICchallengingFinding the textsand shaping them(Anne)Understand asubject you maynot be familiar with(William)Creating the itemsonce a suitable texthas been chosen(Elizabeth)STRAIGHT-FORWARDfrustratingFeedback that youdon’t agree with(William)‘There are timeswhen you have tohave a quick walkround the garden’(Anne)Losing a submissionaltogether(rejection)Disagreementabout issues ofbias – William findsBusiness papersless sensitive:others findCambridge MainSuite papers moresensitive.SATISFYINGsupportedEditing and preeditingis supportiveon the whole (Anne)Colleagues aregenerally helpfuland supportive.Rejection of taskscomes when topicnot checked inadvance (William)You can ask forelaboration of preeditingfeedback.(Elizabeth)I don’t’ think I haveever disagreed withpre-editing feedback(Jane)Some textsaccepted whenI could answeron basis of topicknowledge, othersrejected whenanswers did notseem guessable tome (William)The whole issueof how guessableitems are is difficult(Anne)Looking for a text isunsupported (Anne)UNSUPPORTEDA collocation canbe guessable to anative speaker, butnot to NNS (William)but part of readingis the ability topredict(Elizabeth)Table 8. Summary of experienced participant focus group comments and ratings on semanticdifferential scales296 www.ielts.org

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