IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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An empirical investigation of the process of writing Academic Readingtest items for the International English Language Testing SystemOverview of the Item Writing ProcessJane Anne William Elizabeth6 step flowchart:11 step flowchart:11 step flowchart:10 step flowchart:1. Refer to commissioningletter to identify topics toavoid, sections needed(10 mins)2. Finding possible sources,read quickly to decidewhether possible (1hr-2hrs)3. Collect likely sourcesand read again – topicsuitability, suitable for tasktypes, enough testablematerial (1hr)4. Start cutting to appropriatelength, identifyinginformation to test andwhich parts go with whichitem types (1hr-2hrs)5. Work on tasks, amendingand cutting text as neededto fit tasks (1-2hrs pertask type)6. First draft – check thattasks work, check foroverlap between items,cut to word limit (1hr)1. Text sourcing: checkin files, investigatepreviously fruitfulwebsites, Google a topicsuggested in commissionor that seems promising(30 mins-1 day)2. Careful reading (30 mins)3. Typing up withamendments (1 hr)4. Length adjustment (totarget plus 100-200words) (15 mins)5. Work on first (mostobvious) task type (30mins–2hrs [for MCQ])6. Mark up further areas oftext for suitable items (30mins)7. Work on further tasks– amending text asnecessary (1hr-2hrs)8. Print off and attempt tasks(30 mins-1hr)9. Write answer key (10mins)10. Check length and prune ifnecessary (10 mins-1hr)11. Review and proof read(10mins-30mins)Found text already in her file(keeps an eye on potentialsources) – looking for aSection 1 (relatively easy)task1. Think of subject – look atown books and articles forinspiration2. Google possible topics3. Locate a text and checksuitability – how muchneeds glossing, any taboosubjects?4. Consider whether text willwork with task types5. Scan or download text6. Edit text to roughly torequired length (or slightlylonger), modifying to keepcoherence7. Choose and draft firsttask, modifying textto fit (abandon task ifnecessary)8. Prepare other tasks9. Revise text for coherence,length, to fit tasks,adapting tasks at thesame time as needed10. Have a break11. Check and revise textand tasksTimingsSteps 1 and 2: 10 mins-2hrs; Steps 3 to 9: 1hr-2 hrs;Step 9: 20 mins; Step 10: 10minutes to 1 week; Step 11:20 mins1. Keep eyes open for texts2. Choose from availabletexts3. Evaluate selected text4. Summarise main pointsand edit out redundant/inappropriate material5. Identify possible tasktypes6. Write items7. Cut text to required length8. Tidy up text and itemschecking keys9. Leave for a day, print outand amend as needed10. Send offNo timings given<strong>IELTS</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Reports</strong> Volume 11291

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