IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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Tim Moore, Janne Morton and Steve PriceAPPENDIX 3: ADDITIONAL SAMPLE ITEMS SHOWING MORE GLOBAL AND/ORINTERPRETATIVE ENGAGEMENTS8 EXTENSION 1 --> LOCAL + INTERPRETATIVE1.1 Focus on connotative meanings of wordsIn Passage A, the author refers to X as a “Y” (Line B). This use of the term “Y” suggests that thewriter sees X as:a eg a positive developmentb eg a negative developmentc eg an expected developmentd eg an unexpected development1.2 Focus on author purposeThe writer of Passage A refers to X in Paragraph B, in order to demonstrate:a X is a good thing and should be encouragedb X is a bad thing and should be discouragedc not enough is known about X, and it should be investigated furtherd sufficient research has been conducted into X266 www.ielts.org

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