IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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Construct validity in the <strong>IELTS</strong> Academic Reading testType 3: Gapped summaryThe next most common format, by number of items in the corpus (16% of total items), was the Gappedsummary. These tasks involved a different type of summary activity from that noted in the previoussection. Here test-takers are presented with a continuous prose summary of a section of the readingpassage from which key information/lexis has been removed. The task for test-takers is to draw on thereading passage to restore the omitted information.We noted two alternative formats used for this task type: i) tasks where there was a bank of word/phrase options to choose from; and ii) where no options were provided. In the ‘no options’ format,test-takers are instructed to limit their responses to a maximum of two or three words from thepassage. Examples of the two formats are shown in Sample 3.1 and 3.2. Relevant sections of thereading passage are provided for each sample.Gapped summary 1Complete the summary below.Choose your answers from the box below the summary and write them in boxes 10-13 on your answer sheet.There are more words than spaces, so you will not use them all.The island will be partially protected from storms by …(10)… and also by …(11)… Furthersettlement caused by …(12)… will be prevented by the use of …(13)…construction workersgeotextilerainfallsea wallscoastlineLantau Islandrock and sandtyphoonsdump-trucksmotorwayrock voidsRelevant section of reading passage:AIRPORTS ON WATERThe airport, though, is here to stay. To protect it, the new coastline is being bolstered with aformidable twelve kilometers of sea defences. The brunt of the typhoon will be deflected bythe neighbouring island of Lantau; the sea walls should guard against the rest. Gentler butmore persistent bad weather – the downpours of the summer monsoon – is also being takeninto account. A mat-like material called geotextile is being laid across the island to separatethe rock and sand particles from being washed into the rock voids, and so causing furtherresettlement. This island is being built never to be sunk.Correct responses:10 = sea walls (either order possible)11= Lantau Island (either order possible)12= rainfall13 = geotextileSample 3.1: Gapped summary sample, with options bank<strong>IELTS</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Reports</strong> Volume 11209

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