IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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Gaynor Lloyd-Jones, Charles Neame and Simon MedaneyAPPENDIX 1: INTERVIEW SCHEDULE FOR COURSE DIRECTORSNature and reasons for research projectTopic areas for discussionConfidentialityAudio-recordingAny queries?Can you tell me something about the course you direct?How long has it been offered?Are there similar courses around the UK?How many students do you admit?How many students apply?What is the employment rate of your graduates?What type of employment do they enter?In which countries do they work?What is your experience of a. teaching on the MSc programme and b. as a Course Director?In relation to English language proficiency, how do you select students on your course?What factors do you consider when assessing an applicant’s English language ability?What evidence do you use in assessing an applicant’s English language ability?What features of a student’s CV and background would prompt you to recommend the student takesthe Summer Programme?What part does English language testing (<strong>IELTS</strong>/TOEFL etc) play in selection and admission toyour course?Do you consider different language skills separately e.g. listening, speaking, reading and writing?Do you admit students under the European Partnership Programme?What are your views on current admission practices in relation to English language proficiency?How could current selection and admission practices be improved?What do you think are the educational consequences of mixed English language ability classes fora. non-native English speaking students?b. native English speaking students?c. teaching staff?Can you describe the programme structure and its assessment?Is English language assessed on the course? If so, how?Have you observed problems in group projects related to mixed English language ability?Sometimes student cohorts may include a large group of students who share a language other thanEnglish. Have you observed any educational consequences of this?Native English speaking students may adopt specific roles in group projects such as proof reading andediting. What are your views on this?Have you ever taught a non-native English speaking student who you thought might be dyslexic?Have you recommended students for academic English support during the course?What are your views on the web publication of Masters theses?What are your views on the current ongoing provision of academic English support?How could ongoing academic English provision be improved?Would training for teaching staff in admissions and selection be helpful? If yes, what form should it take?Thank you180 www.ielts.org

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