IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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Gaynor Lloyd-Jones, Charles Neame and Simon MedaneyS PStE T SPIWPILPIRPITS PRepWS PRepLNS PRepRS PRepSExamscrS WThesisSOE1TOEFLCBT 2205.5 32 32 64 B+ B+ A- A- PassSOE2 5.5 29 25 54 B B- B C None PassSOE3TOEFLCBT 2435.5 36 32 68 B+/A- A- A-/B+ B+ None None Revise andrepresentSOE4 <strong>IELTS</strong> 6.5 5 34 23 57 B- B B B MinorcorrectionsSOE5 5.5 25 35 60 B- B B B- None Adverse PassSOE6TOEFLIBT 926 37 37 74 B B+ A- B+ None Adverse Revise andrepresentSOE7 <strong>IELTS</strong> 6 5.5 24 23 47 B+ C B B+ Revise andrepresentSP St Summer Programme studentE T S Entry test scorePI Pre-test <strong>IELTS</strong> W Writing L Listening R Reading T TotalSP Rep Summer Programme <strong>Reports</strong> LN Listening and note taking S SpeakingExam Scr Exam ScriptsNone no comments about languageS W Supervisory workloadTable 10. SOE Summer Programme students’ entry scores and measures of progressThere are no responses from the supervisors of the other three students so language problems cannotbe ruled out despite the successful academic outcomes. Of the students who are required to edit theirtheses for further submission, one is reported as having no English language problems so languagedeficiencies are not responsible for the student’s lack of success. However, the supervisory commentsfor SOE5 indicate that English language proficiency was contributing to the academic outcome forthis student. Overall, the group has a high revise and represent rate (43%), 2 students with identifiedlanguage problems, one student without and question marks over the remainder despite theiracademic success.The SOM results have the highest proportion of revise and represent students of all the Schools (83%);only one student of six has been awarded a degree without going through major thesis revision. Threestudents, including the one who passed outright, are reported as having language difficulties duringthesis supervision and critical comments about language or style were found in four students’ examscripts. The results suggest that five students have experienced difficulties with written language. Thesupervisor of the fifth student, SOM3 has not responded to the questionnaire so no conclusions can bereached for this student, despite the low scores and report grades.170 www.ielts.org

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