IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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Gaynor Lloyd-Jones, Charles Neame and Simon Medaney7.1.1 SamplingThe sampling rationale and selection of Course Directors for inclusion in the interview study weredecided by the research team, two of whom (CN and SM) had several years’ experience of theinstitution. Sampling also took into account the views of admissions staff taking part in the pilotstudy into admission practices. The findings of the preliminary study favoured a purposive samplingapproach designed to reveal the variety of viewpoints that reflected range and scope in preferenceto the construction of a typical perspective. Based upon contextual knowledge, experience of thesetting and the wider socio-economic context of UK higher education, the research team identified thefollowing criteria that might influence a Course Director’s viewpoint on NNES student selection:■■■■■■■■Schools/disciplinesDemand for places on the programmeClass sizeCourses with large groups sharing a first language other than EnglishThe interpretation of the demand for places requires further elaboration. The institution is currentlypaying attention to the admission and selection process, in particular, to the numbers of applicants,the number of places offered and accepted. Whilst such information may be held at departmentalor School level, it was not publicly available at the time of the study. Therefore, the judgement ofthe demand for places on individual courses was based upon the experience and knowledge of theinstitution of the relevant members of the research team (CN and SM). In an attempt to corroboratethe sampling decisions, questions were included in the interview about student applicants, offers andconversion rates, although these data were variably forthcoming.One Course Director was included in the sample because of an interest in English language testingalthough the Masters programme he directed also fitted the sampling criteria. As the study progressed,a further category emerged in terms of the length of experience of directorship, when it becameapparent that one Course Director was in his first year in the role. The realisation prompted anadditional train of enquiry about how staff involved in making selection decisions learn to do so andwhether there might be a need for academic development and training in the area. The prevalent useof selection interviews, which are generally conducted in one to one situations, provided anotherjustification for the inclusion of the category. For this particular MSc programme, two interviews wereincluded, one with the existing Course Director and another with his predecessor.Table 5 lists the participating Course Directors, their Schools, the variation within the criteria and theinterviewee codes. All Course Directors were male save for the Course Director in Cranfield Health.Eight of the programmes in the pilot study were represented in the interview study.Of 16 Course Directors approached to participate, one declined on the grounds that he was about torelinquish the role. He suggested that the incoming staff might contribute instead. As this programmehad been designated a low demand course, it was important to pursue alternatives to avoid omittinga potentially significant perspective. Two solutions were found to the problem. In the first, adepartmental staff member with four years experience of admission and selection for one of theprogramme options consented to an interview. In the second, it was decided to follow up the Courseadmission and selection responsibilities. A group interview was preferred due to the shared situationfacing the group members (Morgan, 1997) and the limitations of experience in the role upon datagathering in a one-to-one situation. As well as exploring departmental staff attitudes, the focus groupaligned with the emergent criterion of role expertise already discussed above and brought into the148 www.ielts.org

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