IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports

IELTS Research Reports


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Wayne Sawyer and Michael SinghTeacher registrationauthoritySouth Australian TeachersRegistration Board<strong>IELTS</strong> scoresOther recognisedtestsISLPR: minimum score of 4in each of the macroskills ofListening, Reading, Writingand Speaking PEAT: BandA in all four components ofListening, Reading, Writingand Speaking.Who has to meetthese requirements?All applicants for teacherregistration, with theexception of graduatesfrom pre-service teachereducation programs in:Australia, Canada, NewZealand, Republic of Ireland,South Africa, United States ofAmerica, United KingdomPersons who have notundertaken their pre-serviceteacher education programin English in an exemptedcountry (i.e. Australia,Canada, New Zealand,Republic of Ireland, SouthAfrica, United Kingdom andUnited States of America)Applicants who did notcomplete secondaryeducation in Australia,Canada, Ireland, NewZealand, United Kingdomor United States of Americaor did not complete teachereducation in these countriesor are not registered teachersin Australia or New Zealandor did not complete bothsecondary education andteacher education in Englishif from South AfricaApplicants who have notcompleted their pre-serviceprogram of teacher educationin: Australia, Republic ofIreland, Canada, UnitedKingdom, New Zealand,United States of America (orgraduates from the Universityof the South Pacific)Applicants who did notgraduate from pre-serviceteacher education programsin Australia or EnglishspeakingCanada, NewZealand, Republic ofIreland, and United States ofAmerica.Minimum 7 for each of themodules Listening, Reading,Writing and Speaking.Queensland College ofTeachersMinimum 7 in each of theareas of Reading, Writing,Speaking and ListeningISLPR: 4 for Speaking,Listening and Reading and3+ for WritingWestern Australian Collegeof TeachersAn overall band score of 8and if one individual score isless than 8, it must be 7 or7.5 in either Reading, Writing,Speaking or Listening.Teacher Registration BoardTasmaniaMinimum 7 in each ofSpeaking, Listening, Readingand Writing.Teacher Registration Boardof the Northern Territory7 or higher in each ofListening, Speaking, Readingand Writing.ISLPR: 4 or higher in each ofthe macro-skills of Listening,Speaking, Reading andWriting. PEAT: Band A in allfour components of Listening,Speaking, Reading andWritingTable 4. Language proficiency requirements of Australian teacher registration authorities98 www.ielts.org

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