North Peoria Area Drainage Master Plan - Flood Control District of ...

North Peoria Area Drainage Master Plan - Flood Control District of ... North Peoria Area Drainage Master Plan - Flood Control District of ...
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stability, and to assure structure performance.• The need for erosion protection should beevaluated at all bridge crossings of watercourses.Utility CrossingsUtility crossings, if properly constructed, haveno inherent impact on channel stability sincethey are typically buried beneath the channelor extended overhead. Direct impacts onchannel stability can occur during utility constructiondue to disturbance of bank andfloodplain vegetation. Where vegetation isremoved, the underlying soils are more vulnerableto erosion and scour. If floods occurbefore the vegetation is reestablished, erosionof the construction alignment may occur andinitiate erosion of adjacent channel reaches.The following guidelines for utility constructionin the floodplain and erosion hazard zoneare recommended:• Bank and floodplain vegetation removedor damaged during construction shouldbe replaced immediately. Irrigation,inspection, and maintenance may berequired to assure survival of the replacementvegetation.• Underground utilities should be buriedbelow the 100-year general scour depth inthe main channel plus the long-term scourdepth. Utility lines have been damageddue to exposure by long-term scour onnumerous streams in Arizona.• Where the potential for lateral movementexists, underground utilities should beburied at the same depth in the overbankareas or erosion hazard zone as in themain channel, to prevent exposure aftermovement of the main channel.• Support structures for overhead utilitiesshould not be located within the floodplainor erosion hazard zone. Where thelength of the span requires that support39structures be constructed within the floodplainor erosion hazard zone, the structuresshould be designed using the 100-year general scour plus long-term scour inthe main channel burial depth. No structuresshould be placed in the main channel.Aesthetic Design GuidelinesAesthetic guidelines are developed as a tool tobe used by planners and designers to incorporateaesthetic quality into their design that issensitive and consistent with the natural environment.As part of the North Peoria ADMP,landscape character themes are developedthat could be incorporated into the design offlood control management alternatives. Specificthemes developed are a Mountain Themewith a Mining Theme Overlay, and a PlainsTheme with a Native American or RanchingTheme Overlay. Design guidelines and examplesare present in the North Peoria ADMP,Technical Data Notebook, Attachment 4,Landscape Character and Visual AssessmentReport. The following general design guidelinesare offered:Structural Erosion Protection MeasuresStructural erosion protection measures canconsist of a variety of engineered materials.Most common types of engineered materialsused in Maricopa County are rock filled wirebaskets (gabion mattress, Reno Mattress),gunite and soil cement. Structural erosionprotection measures could be aestheticallyenhanced by designing them to blend in color,texture and form with the surrounding environmentand desired landscape charactertheme. Treatments include selection of materialto provide the desired color and texture,artificially coloring material, and treatment offreshly excavated native material with Eoniteor a similar aging product.ChannelsChannel alignments and side slopes should beconsistent with natural channels in the area.Alignments should be sinuous and side slopesshould vary in the angle of slope.

Drainage StructuresNORTH PEORIAAREA DRAINAGE MASTER PLANLandscape character themes could be incorporatedinto the design of bridge and culvertheadwalls. Figure 22 and Figure 23 depictsome possible landscape character themes thatcould be incorporated into a roadway drainagestructure.MAINTENANCE PLANA maintenance plan shall be developed for allstructural type improvements. The plan willdocument required maintenance to beprovided by the owner/owners of structuraltype drainage improvements. The plan shallinclude the following discussions asapplicable:• Type of facility.• Owner of facility.• Required maintenance activity.• Vegetation maintenance.• Bank protection maintenance.• Grade control maintenance.• Removal of debris and sediment fromstructures.• Required permits for maintenance activity.• Required inspection/monitoring activity.• Schedule for inspection and monitoringactivity.• Required agency notification.MAINTENANCE PLANThe North Peoria ADMP presents watercourseand stormwater storage flood controlmanagement alternatives. For this plan to besuccessful, a monitoring and maintenanceplan is required that address the overall nonstructuralgoals as well as the specific elementsof potential structural and low-impactstructural measures. The maintenance planestablishes monitoring and maintenance criteriaand inspection time frames that should be40implemented to sustain the goals of the plan.The maintenance plan is presented in theNorth Peoria ADMP Technical Data Notebook.CONSIDERATIONS FOR EXISTINGSTRUCTURES IN FLOOD HAZARDAREASGENERALWithin the North Peoria ADMP study area,one permanent residential structure was identifiedwithin a flood and erosion hazard zone.The structure is located within UnincorporatedMaricopa County, approximately 0.6miles north of Happy Valley Road along 115thAvenue alignment in the Twin Buttes Washfloodway. Flood Insurance Study work maps[Flood Insurance Study for Caterpillar Tankand Twin Buttes Washes From Agua FriaRiver to CAP Canal Maricopa County, Arizona,(Flood Control District of MaricopaCounty, 1991)] indicate that the structure wasbuilt prior to the original floodplain delineationof Twin Buttes Wash.As part of the North Peoria ADMP, channelimprovements that would mitigate impacts tothe alignment of 115th Avenue and to the residentialstructure from a 100-year runoff eventwere evaluated. Improvements evaluatedconsist of a channel, side slope protection consistingof rock-filled wire-tied baskets and an11 cell 10-foot by 4-foot concrete box culvert.The cost estimate for construction of the channelimprovements (not including land costs) isestimated at $1,299,137.Currently Maricopa County has no capitalimprovement plans to provide roadway/channel improvements along the 115th alignmentbetween Happy Valley and JomaxRoads. City of Peoria personal related thatshould the City of Peoria annex the area, anyimprovements would be funded through animprovement district. There are plans being

<strong>Drainage</strong> StructuresNORTH PEORIAAREA DRAINAGE MASTER PLANLandscape character themes could be incorporatedinto the design <strong>of</strong> bridge and culvertheadwalls. Figure 22 and Figure 23 depictsome possible landscape character themes thatcould be incorporated into a roadway drainagestructure.MAINTENANCE PLANA maintenance plan shall be developed for allstructural type improvements. The plan willdocument required maintenance to beprovided by the owner/owners <strong>of</strong> structuraltype drainage improvements. The plan shallinclude the following discussions asapplicable:• Type <strong>of</strong> facility.• Owner <strong>of</strong> facility.• Required maintenance activity.• Vegetation maintenance.• Bank protection maintenance.• Grade control maintenance.• Removal <strong>of</strong> debris and sediment fromstructures.• Required permits for maintenance activity.• Required inspection/monitoring activity.• Schedule for inspection and monitoringactivity.• Required agency notification.MAINTENANCE PLANThe <strong>North</strong> <strong>Peoria</strong> ADMP presents watercourseand stormwater storage flood controlmanagement alternatives. For this plan to besuccessful, a monitoring and maintenanceplan is required that address the overall nonstructuralgoals as well as the specific elements<strong>of</strong> potential structural and low-impactstructural measures. The maintenance planestablishes monitoring and maintenance criteriaand inspection time frames that should be40implemented to sustain the goals <strong>of</strong> the plan.The maintenance plan is presented in the<strong>North</strong> <strong>Peoria</strong> ADMP Technical Data Notebook.CONSIDERATIONS FOR EXISTINGSTRUCTURES IN FLOOD HAZARDAREASGENERALWithin the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Peoria</strong> ADMP study area,one permanent residential structure was identifiedwithin a flood and erosion hazard zone.The structure is located within UnincorporatedMaricopa County, approximately 0.6miles north <strong>of</strong> Happy Valley Road along 115thAvenue alignment in the Twin Buttes Washfloodway. <strong>Flood</strong> Insurance Study work maps[<strong>Flood</strong> Insurance Study for Caterpillar Tankand Twin Buttes Washes From Agua FriaRiver to CAP Canal Maricopa County, Arizona,(<strong>Flood</strong> <strong>Control</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>of</strong> MaricopaCounty, 1991)] indicate that the structure wasbuilt prior to the original floodplain delineation<strong>of</strong> Twin Buttes Wash.As part <strong>of</strong> the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Peoria</strong> ADMP, channelimprovements that would mitigate impacts tothe alignment <strong>of</strong> 115th Avenue and to the residentialstructure from a 100-year run<strong>of</strong>f eventwere evaluated. Improvements evaluatedconsist <strong>of</strong> a channel, side slope protection consisting<strong>of</strong> rock-filled wire-tied baskets and an11 cell 10-foot by 4-foot concrete box culvert.The cost estimate for construction <strong>of</strong> the channelimprovements (not including land costs) isestimated at $1,299,137.Currently Maricopa County has no capitalimprovement plans to provide roadway/channel improvements along the 115th alignmentbetween Happy Valley and JomaxRoads. City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peoria</strong> personal related thatshould the City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peoria</strong> annex the area, anyimprovements would be funded through animprovement district. There are plans being

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