North Peoria Area Drainage Master Plan - Flood Control District of ...

North Peoria Area Drainage Master Plan - Flood Control District of ... North Peoria Area Drainage Master Plan - Flood Control District of ...
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(short, constricted reaches), backwater sectionsupstream of choke sections, longitudinalprofile, and potential grade controls.To eliminate potential data scatterbetween cross sections that may masktrends, running averages of hydraulic datawill also be examined to help definereaches. Reach definition will be coordinatedwith results of geomorphic analysesdescribed below.Sediment Gradations. Sediment data for thechannel bed and banks will be collected foruse in hydraulic and geomorphic analyses.Specific tasks include the following:• Sediment Sampling. Samples of bed sedimentsfrom representative locations atapproximately one-mile incrementsthroughout the study reach will beobtained for sieve analysis. In addition,surficial sediment size data will be estimatedusing pebble counts. Bank sedimentdata will be collected from detaileddescriptions and photographic records.These supplemental bed and bank sedimentdata will be collected at cross sectionsspaced approximately 1,000 feetapart throughout the study reach. Allsampling locations will be noted on adetailed exhibit.• Sediment Analysis. Sediment gradationsshowing D90, D84.1, D50, D15.9, and D10will be prepared for each sediment sample.Sediment gradations will be reviewedto verify that reach definitions are supported,and to quantify reach-averagedsediment gradation data. Bed, bank, andoverbank sediment characteristics will becompared and quantified. Armoredreaches will be identified. Size gradationfor HEC-6 model input will be quantifiedfor each subreach. Ranges of size gradationwill be defined so that various scenariosof sediment transport analyses can beconstructed to identify zones of potentialaggradation or degradation, for use insensitivity analyses of HEC-6 modeling.Sediment Yield. Sediment supply to the studyreach will be evaluated to quantify sedimentsources outside the study limits. Specific tasksinclude the following:• Regional Sediment Yield Estimates. Sedimentyield information will be compiledand analyzed from published reports,regional data, and site specific analysis.Regionalized estimates of sediment yieldwill be made for the 2-, 10-, and 100-yearevents. Rough estimates of sediment yieldwill made using pre- and post-developmentconditions.• HEC-6 Modeling. Sediment yield estimateswill be used as HEC-6 inflow boundaryconditions, and will also be used to assesslong-term impacts due to sediment accumulationsin ponding areas or other backwaterareas.HEC-6 Modeling. HEC-6 models of existingand future (alternative) conditions will be preparedto estimate trends in scour and depositionin the study reach. The primary goal ofthe HEC-6 modeling is single event simulationof general sedimentation trends of aggradationor degradation, as reflected in a net sedimentdeficit or surplus. The HEC-6 modelwill be used to assess sediment transport andrelated channel stability for the 10-year, dominantchannel forming discharge, 100-yearflood discharge, and possibly an extreme catastrophicdischarge event. Specific tasksinclude the following:• Base Condition Modeling. HEC-6 modelsfor existing conditions will be prepared,defined as the conditions indicated by theDistrict’s topographic mapping.• Alternatives Modeling. Base conditionHEC-6 models will be modified, as appropriate,as alternatives are evaluated and asfloodplain encroachment alternatives areconsidered.Model development will be based on hydraulicgeometry, with appropriate adjustments,29

NORTH PEORIAAREA DRAINAGE MASTER PLANfrom the HEC-RAS models, sediment yieldestimates, and size gradations as previouslydiscussed, and on the in-flow hydrographs.Initial model development and verificationwill be prepared for a test reach. Upon satisfactoryverification of the proposed modelingtechnique, HEC-6 models will be developed ina similar manner for the other study reaches.• Measure historical channel characteristics(width, sinuosity, etc.).• Plot and compare historical longitudinalprofiles.• Catalogue types of human impacts, plotlocations.Task 2 – Lateral Stability AssessmentInterpretation of Geologic Surfaces. Geologicdata will be used to identify and map recentgeomorphic surfaces near the stream. The ageand position of these surfaces will be used toconstrain the rate of lateral and vertical movementover recent geologic time. Specific tasksinclude the following:• Interpret aerial photographs.• Select soil test pit locations.• Describe soil profiles in soil test pits.• Describe surficial soil characteristics.• Inspect surfaces in field.• Prepare geomorphic mapping.Historical Analyses. Historical data will beused to identify historical patterns of channelbehavior, historical impacts on the stream byhumans, and past rates of lateral and verticalchannel change. Historical data will be usedto set the context for interpretation of existingconditions and prediction of future channelresponse. Specific tasks include the following:• Collect historical maps and topography.• Collect historical aerial and ground photographs.• Digitize historical channel position.• Determine rates and types of channelchange from digitized channel plots.• Prepare time line of watershed and channelchanges.Field Analyses. Field data will be collected toidentify areas of channel instability, quantifychannel and bank characteristics, and documentexisting channel conditions. Specifictasks include the following:• Select index cross section spacing andlocations.• Measure channel characteristics at indexcross sections.• Measure bank characteristics at indexcross sections.• Document existing conditions with photographsand notes.• Perform boulder counts for channel bedsediments.• Describe soil pits excavated in the channelbottom.• Collect sediment samples from the channelbottom for sieve analysis.Geomorphic Analysis. A geomorphic descriptionof the stream characteristics will be preparedto identify appropriate types ofhydraulic and empirical analyses, identifyexisting channel processes, and to predicttrends in future channel behavior. Specifictasks include the following:• Describe regional geologic history.30

(short, constricted reaches), backwater sectionsupstream <strong>of</strong> choke sections, longitudinalpr<strong>of</strong>ile, and potential grade controls.To eliminate potential data scatterbetween cross sections that may masktrends, running averages <strong>of</strong> hydraulic datawill also be examined to help definereaches. Reach definition will be coordinatedwith results <strong>of</strong> geomorphic analysesdescribed below.Sediment Gradations. Sediment data for thechannel bed and banks will be collected foruse in hydraulic and geomorphic analyses.Specific tasks include the following:• Sediment Sampling. Samples <strong>of</strong> bed sedimentsfrom representative locations atapproximately one-mile incrementsthroughout the study reach will beobtained for sieve analysis. In addition,surficial sediment size data will be estimatedusing pebble counts. Bank sedimentdata will be collected from detaileddescriptions and photographic records.These supplemental bed and bank sedimentdata will be collected at cross sectionsspaced approximately 1,000 feetapart throughout the study reach. Allsampling locations will be noted on adetailed exhibit.• Sediment Analysis. Sediment gradationsshowing D90, D84.1, D50, D15.9, and D10will be prepared for each sediment sample.Sediment gradations will be reviewedto verify that reach definitions are supported,and to quantify reach-averagedsediment gradation data. Bed, bank, andoverbank sediment characteristics will becompared and quantified. Armoredreaches will be identified. Size gradationfor HEC-6 model input will be quantifiedfor each subreach. Ranges <strong>of</strong> size gradationwill be defined so that various scenarios<strong>of</strong> sediment transport analyses can beconstructed to identify zones <strong>of</strong> potentialaggradation or degradation, for use insensitivity analyses <strong>of</strong> HEC-6 modeling.Sediment Yield. Sediment supply to the studyreach will be evaluated to quantify sedimentsources outside the study limits. Specific tasksinclude the following:• Regional Sediment Yield Estimates. Sedimentyield information will be compiledand analyzed from published reports,regional data, and site specific analysis.Regionalized estimates <strong>of</strong> sediment yieldwill be made for the 2-, 10-, and 100-yearevents. Rough estimates <strong>of</strong> sediment yieldwill made using pre- and post-developmentconditions.• HEC-6 Modeling. Sediment yield estimateswill be used as HEC-6 inflow boundaryconditions, and will also be used to assesslong-term impacts due to sediment accumulationsin ponding areas or other backwaterareas.HEC-6 Modeling. HEC-6 models <strong>of</strong> existingand future (alternative) conditions will be preparedto estimate trends in scour and depositionin the study reach. The primary goal <strong>of</strong>the HEC-6 modeling is single event simulation<strong>of</strong> general sedimentation trends <strong>of</strong> aggradationor degradation, as reflected in a net sedimentdeficit or surplus. The HEC-6 modelwill be used to assess sediment transport andrelated channel stability for the 10-year, dominantchannel forming discharge, 100-yearflood discharge, and possibly an extreme catastrophicdischarge event. Specific tasksinclude the following:• Base Condition Modeling. HEC-6 modelsfor existing conditions will be prepared,defined as the conditions indicated by the<strong>District</strong>’s topographic mapping.• Alternatives Modeling. Base conditionHEC-6 models will be modified, as appropriate,as alternatives are evaluated and asfloodplain encroachment alternatives areconsidered.Model development will be based on hydraulicgeometry, with appropriate adjustments,29

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