North Peoria Area Drainage Master Plan - Flood Control District of ...

North Peoria Area Drainage Master Plan - Flood Control District of ... North Peoria Area Drainage Master Plan - Flood Control District of ...
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Objective EH1.3Identify erosion hazard zones associatedwith watercourses.Policy EH1.3.1Require all new development to usethe erosion hazard zone identified bythe District in their planning anddesign efforts.Policy EH1.3.2Require all new development to delineateerosion hazard zones for areas notcovered by delineation’s conducted bythe District.Objective EH1.4Identify stream reaches that have experiencedhistorical and/or recent long-termdegradation or aggradation.Policy EH1.4.1Require all new development to takeinto account the effect of aggradationand degradation on drainage facilities(such as retention/detention, off-line/in-line facilities). Drainage facilitiesconstructed in the watercourse shallstrive to maintain the watercourse sedimentcontinuity.Development/Planning ConsiderationsThe following Development/Planning Goal,Objectives, and Policies provide guidance tominimize potential impacts to a watersheddue to development.Goal DP1 - Establish area-specific Design andPlanning Standards to promote development thatacknowledges environmental hazards associatedwith stormwater runoff, preserves the naturalintegrity and function of watercourses within awatershed and minimizes the potential to increasethe magnitude of the hazards due to urbanization.Objective DP1.1Discourage development in 100-yearfloodplain and associated erosion hazardsetbacks.Policy DP1.1.1Encourage non-structural flood controltechniques over typical structuralflood control techniques.Policy DP1.1.2Where structural control measures aredeemed necessary, encourage the useof low impact structural flood controltechniques. Low impact structuralmeasures shall not adversely affect thestability of a watercourse or adverselyalter flooding and erosion conditionson adjacent property. Low impactstructural alternatives shall complementthe visual integrity of the area.Policy DP1.1.3Development in, or modification of,the floodplain is discouraged. Shouldthere be a need to modify the floodplain,the modifications shall result inminimum disruption of the naturalsediment transport capacity of thechannel and floodplain.Objective DP1.2Encourage design and planning effortsthat mitigate potential disruptions to thepredevelopment function of a watersheddue to development.Policy DP1.2.1Discourage changes to natural drainagepatterns in rural and low-densityresidential land use areas.Policy DP1.2.2In areas where the non-structural alternativeis applied, preserve vegetationon and adjacent to the channel banks,and in the floodplain in order to maintainthe stability of existing channelbanks and minimize the potential forlateral channel movement.Policy DP1.2.3Design roadway alignments in such amanner that runoff collected by the23

NORTH PEORIAAREA DRAINAGE MASTER PLANroadway is conveyed to its historicwatercourse.Policy DP1.2.4Design roadway watercourse crossingssuch that the alignment of theroadway is perpendicular to thewatercourse alignment and at locationswhere the floodplain and erosionhazard limits are narrow.Policy DP1.2.5Discourage roadway crossing ofwatercourses at locations where thewatercourse is braided.Policy DP1.2.6Provide access roads to culvert orbridge roadway crossing of watercoursesto facilitate access by maintenancevehicles.Policy DP1.2.7Culvert/bridge crossings shall minimizedisruption to the natural channelform and function.Policy DP1.2.8Design culvert crossings to account forpotential clogging due to the accumulationof sediment and debris.Policy DP1.2.9Design drainage crossings to minimizedownstream scour, minimize the riskof erosion of roadway approaches, andmaintain sediment continuity up tothe bank full discharge.Policy DP1.2.10At-grade roadway crossings of watercoursesshould only be considered forwatercourses that are characterized byshallow flow conditions. At-graderoadway crossings in rural and lowdensityresidential land use areas areacceptable (specific design criteriasuch as allowable depth of flow overthe roadway will need to be met) withagency approval.24Policy DP1.2.11The standard practice for retaining thevolume of runoff from the 100-year, 2-hour storm event should be employedunless it is demonstrated not to bepracticable. The standard retentionpractice is encouraged for commercial,business park/industrial and highdensityresidential land use areas. Anacceptable alternative to the standardpractice is a facility that reduces postdevelopmentpeak discharges to predevelopmentmagnitudes.Policy DP1.2.12Encourage the use of in-stream, in-linedetention or in-stream, off-line retentionwhere it can be demonstratedthrough engineering analyses thatinfiltration rates, and/or topographydoes not merit incorporating stormwaterretention facilities, and wherereducing post-development peak dischargesand runoff volumes to predevelopmentconditions can beachieved. These stormwater storagefacilities inherently to not have waterquality benefits for managing pollutantsin stormwater. Stormwater qualitybest management practices willneed to be employed in the watershedwithin or upstream of the receivingfacility. Typically, the first flush from arunoff event will need to be retainedand treated.Policy DP1.2.13Prohibit use of irrigation canals as anoutfall for stormwater runoff.EnvironmentThe project area for North Peoria ADMPoffers a unique biological resource, aestheticcharacter, and is rich in natural and culturalresources. The plan offers guidelines forfuture development in a comprehensive mannerthat strives to identify and integrate environmentalfeatures such as the existingbiology, visual resources, watersheds anddrainage patterns and cultural resources for

NORTH PEORIAAREA DRAINAGE MASTER PLANroadway is conveyed to its historicwatercourse.Policy DP1.2.4Design roadway watercourse crossingssuch that the alignment <strong>of</strong> theroadway is perpendicular to thewatercourse alignment and at locationswhere the floodplain and erosionhazard limits are narrow.Policy DP1.2.5Discourage roadway crossing <strong>of</strong>watercourses at locations where thewatercourse is braided.Policy DP1.2.6Provide access roads to culvert orbridge roadway crossing <strong>of</strong> watercoursesto facilitate access by maintenancevehicles.Policy DP1.2.7Culvert/bridge crossings shall minimizedisruption to the natural channelform and function.Policy DP1.2.8Design culvert crossings to account forpotential clogging due to the accumulation<strong>of</strong> sediment and debris.Policy DP1.2.9Design drainage crossings to minimizedownstream scour, minimize the risk<strong>of</strong> erosion <strong>of</strong> roadway approaches, andmaintain sediment continuity up tothe bank full discharge.Policy DP1.2.10At-grade roadway crossings <strong>of</strong> watercoursesshould only be considered forwatercourses that are characterized byshallow flow conditions. At-graderoadway crossings in rural and lowdensityresidential land use areas areacceptable (specific design criteriasuch as allowable depth <strong>of</strong> flow overthe roadway will need to be met) withagency approval.24Policy DP1.2.11The standard practice for retaining thevolume <strong>of</strong> run<strong>of</strong>f from the 100-year, 2-hour storm event should be employedunless it is demonstrated not to bepracticable. The standard retentionpractice is encouraged for commercial,business park/industrial and highdensityresidential land use areas. Anacceptable alternative to the standardpractice is a facility that reduces postdevelopmentpeak discharges to predevelopmentmagnitudes.Policy DP1.2.12Encourage the use <strong>of</strong> in-stream, in-linedetention or in-stream, <strong>of</strong>f-line retentionwhere it can be demonstratedthrough engineering analyses thatinfiltration rates, and/or topographydoes not merit incorporating stormwaterretention facilities, and wherereducing post-development peak dischargesand run<strong>of</strong>f volumes to predevelopmentconditions can beachieved. These stormwater storagefacilities inherently to not have waterquality benefits for managing pollutantsin stormwater. Stormwater qualitybest management practices willneed to be employed in the watershedwithin or upstream <strong>of</strong> the receivingfacility. Typically, the first flush from arun<strong>of</strong>f event will need to be retainedand treated.Policy DP1.2.13Prohibit use <strong>of</strong> irrigation canals as anoutfall for stormwater run<strong>of</strong>f.EnvironmentThe project area for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Peoria</strong> ADMP<strong>of</strong>fers a unique biological resource, aestheticcharacter, and is rich in natural and culturalresources. The plan <strong>of</strong>fers guidelines forfuture development in a comprehensive mannerthat strives to identify and integrate environmentalfeatures such as the existingbiology, visual resources, watersheds anddrainage patterns and cultural resources for

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