North Peoria Area Drainage Master Plan - Flood Control District of ...

North Peoria Area Drainage Master Plan - Flood Control District of ... North Peoria Area Drainage Master Plan - Flood Control District of ...
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INTRODUCTIONRULES OF DEVELOPMENTCommunities develop drainage ordinances,policies, and standards with the intent to mitigate/minimizeflooding impacts due tourbanization of a watershed. The purpose ofthese regulations is to minimize the occurrenceof losses, hazards, and conditionsadversely affecting the public health, safety,and general welfare that might result fromflooding caused by the surface runoff of rainfall.Potential rainfall runoff relation impactsto a watershed due to urbanization are:• Decrease of stormwater infiltration capacitywithin a watershed due to urbanizationincreases peak discharge from awatershed unless measures are undertakento reduce post development peakdischarges.• An increase of peak discharge, frequency,and runoff volume due to urbanization ina watershed increases the potential forerosion and sedimentation within watercourses.• An increase in erosion potential can resultin loss of property and riparian habitat.• Due to an increase in peak discharge,existing drainage structures downstreamof newly urbanized areas will be undersized.• Increase in peak discharge increases theamount of property within a floodplain.Existing structures within or adjacent tothe predevelopment floodplain are at riskof a greater flood impact.• Disruption of natural flow paths can disruptthe natural system equilibrium andinduce bank erosion and long-term degradationof the channel bed.• An increase in bank erosion and long-termchannel bed degradation can result in theneed of grade control structures and bankstabilization.• Increased erosion and deposition willresult in greater costs for future structures,higher potential damage and likelihood offailure of existing structures, andincreased maintenance cost.• Increased deposition results in loss ofchannel capacity and increased flood levels.NORTH PEORIA AREA DRAINAGE MASTERPLAN ELEMENTSThe North Peoria ADMP is one of the manytools that have been developed to guidegrowth and development in the study area sothat impacts of urbanization on the environmentare minimized. The focus of the NorthPeoria ADMP is on flood and erosion controlmanagement; however, the plan takes intoconsideration the impacts of different floodcontrol management alternatives on environmental,cultural, and visual resources andlooks at multi-use opportunities. The intent ofthis plan is to work in conjunction with otherplanning documents and ordinances developedby the City of Peoria and MaricopaCounty. The plan is to be used by policy makersin the City of Peoria and Maricopa County,future residents, and developers when makingdecisions concerning development in thearea.Implementation of and guidance provided bythe plan is based on a set of managementgoals, objectives, and policies for each of thefour elements of the plan. The elements areEnvironmental Hazard Identification, Developmentand Planning Considerations, Environmental,and Multiple-Use Opportunities.The following definitions of goal, objective,and policy area are offered as a guide for theusers of the plan.21Goal:A statement that describes in generalterms a desired future condition.

NORTH PEORIAAREA DRAINAGE MASTER PLANObjective: A statement that describes a specificcondition to be attained.Policy:A course of action or rule of conductto be used to achieve the goalsand objectives of the plan.The plan area for the North Peoria ADMP lieswithin two jurisdictional areas, MaricopaCounty and the City of Peoria. The specificguidance that is offered by each of the governmentalbodies within their adopted planningprograms vary depending on their needs andtheir vision for managing growth. The goalsobjectives and policies developed for theNorth Peoria ADMP are applicable to bothjurisdictions; however, reference is made toother planning documents that offer developmentguidance. The user of this documentshould also take into consideration specificgoals, objectives and policies developed forthe area by both jurisdictions.North Peoria ADMP elements, goals andaccompanying objectives and policies that aresimilar or the same as guidance/direction providedin adopted planning documents, and/or ordinances are presented or repeated forthis plan because they are instrumental to theimplementation and maintenance of the preferredflood control management alternativesof the plan.Environmental Hazards IdentificationWithin non-urbanized/rural watersheds naturalenvironmental hazards associated withrunoff from storm events exist. Without sufficientplanning and management, natural hazardsare compounded as development occurswithin a watershed. In order to protect privateand public property and the health andgeneral welfare of the public, naturally occurringenvironmental hazards and hazards createdby development need to be identified.Environmental hazards associated with stormrunoff can be categorized into natural floodhazards, erosion hazards, sediment depositionhazards, and flood hazards associated withdevelopment.22The following environmental hazard identificationGoals, Objectives, and Policies seek toadvance the intent of Federal, State, County,and City of Peoria guidelines for the treatmentof identified environmental hazards.Goal EH1 - Identify environmental hazards associatedwith stormwater runoff.Objective EH.1.1Identify special flood hazard zones per theguidelines of FEMA and the District.Policy EH.1.1.1Require all development to use at leastthe regulatory 100-year floodplaindelineation identified by FEMA and/or the District and associated 100-yearpeak discharges in their planning anddesign efforts.Policy EH.1.1.2Require all development to delineateflood hazards zones for areas not coveredby delineation conducted byFEMA or the District.Objective EH1.2Identify potential flood hazards associatedwith existing man-made structures withinthe planning area. Possible examples ofman-made structures include, but are notlimited to, stock tanks, drainage crossingsat roadways and canals, levees, bridges,and retention basins.Policy EH1.2.1Evaluate the structural integrity andpossible failure of existing earthendams along watercourses. (Earthendams have been identified in the BigSpring, East Terrace, and Twin Buttesplanning areas.)Policy EH1.2.2Evaluate ponding limits upstream of awatercourse crossing of roadways andcanals.

NORTH PEORIAAREA DRAINAGE MASTER PLANObjective: A statement that describes a specificcondition to be attained.Policy:A course <strong>of</strong> action or rule <strong>of</strong> conductto be used to achieve the goalsand objectives <strong>of</strong> the plan.The plan area for the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Peoria</strong> ADMP lieswithin two jurisdictional areas, MaricopaCounty and the City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peoria</strong>. The specificguidance that is <strong>of</strong>fered by each <strong>of</strong> the governmentalbodies within their adopted planningprograms vary depending on their needs andtheir vision for managing growth. The goalsobjectives and policies developed for the<strong>North</strong> <strong>Peoria</strong> ADMP are applicable to bothjurisdictions; however, reference is made toother planning documents that <strong>of</strong>fer developmentguidance. The user <strong>of</strong> this documentshould also take into consideration specificgoals, objectives and policies developed forthe area by both jurisdictions.<strong>North</strong> <strong>Peoria</strong> ADMP elements, goals andaccompanying objectives and policies that aresimilar or the same as guidance/direction providedin adopted planning documents, and/or ordinances are presented or repeated forthis plan because they are instrumental to theimplementation and maintenance <strong>of</strong> the preferredflood control management alternatives<strong>of</strong> the plan.Environmental Hazards IdentificationWithin non-urbanized/rural watersheds naturalenvironmental hazards associated withrun<strong>of</strong>f from storm events exist. Without sufficientplanning and management, natural hazardsare compounded as development occurswithin a watershed. In order to protect privateand public property and the health andgeneral welfare <strong>of</strong> the public, naturally occurringenvironmental hazards and hazards createdby development need to be identified.Environmental hazards associated with stormrun<strong>of</strong>f can be categorized into natural floodhazards, erosion hazards, sediment depositionhazards, and flood hazards associated withdevelopment.22The following environmental hazard identificationGoals, Objectives, and Policies seek toadvance the intent <strong>of</strong> Federal, State, County,and City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peoria</strong> guidelines for the treatment<strong>of</strong> identified environmental hazards.Goal EH1 - Identify environmental hazards associatedwith stormwater run<strong>of</strong>f.Objective EH.1.1Identify special flood hazard zones per theguidelines <strong>of</strong> FEMA and the <strong>District</strong>.Policy EH.1.1.1Require all development to use at leastthe regulatory 100-year floodplaindelineation identified by FEMA and/or the <strong>District</strong> and associated 100-yearpeak discharges in their planning anddesign efforts.Policy EH.1.1.2Require all development to delineateflood hazards zones for areas not coveredby delineation conducted byFEMA or the <strong>District</strong>.Objective EH1.2Identify potential flood hazards associatedwith existing man-made structures withinthe planning area. Possible examples <strong>of</strong>man-made structures include, but are notlimited to, stock tanks, drainage crossingsat roadways and canals, levees, bridges,and retention basins.Policy EH1.2.1Evaluate the structural integrity andpossible failure <strong>of</strong> existing earthendams along watercourses. (Earthendams have been identified in the BigSpring, East Terrace, and Twin Buttesplanning areas.)Policy EH1.2.2Evaluate ponding limits upstream <strong>of</strong> awatercourse crossing <strong>of</strong> roadways andcanals.

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