Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

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<strong>Sketches</strong> <strong>by</strong> <strong>Boz</strong>‘After what has passed between us,’ responded Miss <strong>by</strong> her last will and testament,’ was somehow or otherLillerton, still averting her head, ‘you must understand the foremost. He had gone through the interview sowhom I mean; Mr. Timson, the—the—clergyman.’ well, and it had terminated so admirably, that he almostbegan to wish he had expressly stipulated for the‘Mr. Timson, the clergyman!’ ejaculated Watkins Tottle,in a state of inexpressible beatitude, and positive wonderat his own success. ‘Angel! Certainly—this moment!’ ‘May I come in?’ said Mr. Gabriel Parsons, peeping insettlement of the annual five hundred on himself.‘I’ll prepare it immediately,’ said Miss Lillerton, makingfor the door; ‘the events of this day have flurried ‘You may,’ replied Watkins.at the door.me so much, Mr. Tottle, that I shall not leave my room ‘Well, have you done it?’ anxiously inquired Gabriel.again this evening; I will send you the note <strong>by</strong> the servant.ingto the clergyman.’‘Have I done it!’ said Watkins Tottle. ‘Hush—I’m go-‘Stay,—stay,’ cried Watkins Tottle, still keeping a most ‘No!’ said Parsons. ‘How well you have managed it!’respectful distance from the lady; ‘when shall we meet ‘Where does Timson live?’ inquired Watkins.again?’‘At his uncle’s,’ replied Gabriel, ‘just round the lane.‘Oh! Mr. Tottle,’ replied Miss Lillerton, coquettishly, He’s waiting for a living, and has been assisting his‘when we are married, I can never see you too often, uncle here for the last two or three months. But hownor thank you too much;’ and she left the room. well you have done it—I didn’t think you could haveMr. Watkins Tottle flung himself into an arm-chair, carried it off so!’and indulged in the most delicious reveries of future Mr. Watkins Tottle was proceeding to demonstrate thatbliss, in which the idea of ‘Five hundred pounds per the Richardsonian principle was the best on which loveannum, with an uncontrolled power of disposing of it could possibly be made, when he was interrupted <strong>by</strong>480

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