Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

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<strong>Sketches</strong> <strong>by</strong> <strong>Boz</strong>see the fun of them; but the population of our street boots off, the evil was not to be borne. So, our nextdoorneighbour gave the single gentleman, who was awere so dull of apprehension, as to be quite lost to asense of the drollery of this proceeding: and the consequencewas, that our next-door neighbour was obliged the single gentleman went away, and entertained hisvery good lodger in other respects, notice to quit; andto tell the single gentleman, that unless he gave up friends in other lodgings.entertaining his friends at home, he really must be compelledto part with him.very different character from the troublesome singleThe next applicant for the vacant first floor, was of aThe single gentleman received the remonstrance gentleman who had just quitted it. He was a tall, thin,with great good-humour, and promised from that time young gentleman, with a profusion of brown hair, reddishwhiskers, and very slightly developed moustaches.forward, to spend his evenings at a coffee-house—adetermination which afforded general and unmixed He wore a braided surtout, with frogs behind, light greysatisfaction.trousers, and wash-leather gloves, and had altogetherThe next night passed off very well, everybody being rather a military appearance. So unlike the roysteringdelighted with the change; but on the next, the noises single gentleman. Such insinuating manners, and suchwere renewed with greater spirit than ever. The single a delightful address! So seriously disposed, too! Whengentleman’s friends being unable to see him in his own he first came to look at the lodgings, he inquired mosthouse every alternate night, had come to the determinationof seeing him home every night; and what with in the parish church; and when he had agreed to takeparticularly whether he was sure to be able to get a seatthe discordant greetings of the friends at parting, and them, he requested to have a list of the different localthe noise created <strong>by</strong> the single gentleman in his passageup-stairs, and his subsequent struggles to get his most deserving among them.charities, as he intended to subscribe his mite to the46

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