Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

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<strong>Sketches</strong> <strong>by</strong> <strong>Boz</strong>ladies of from eighteen to twenty-five years of age, respectively,are admitted as honorary members, partly a nursing and warming of little legs and feet before theof infants, such a tying, and folding, and pinning; suchbecause they are very useful in replenishing the boxes, fire, such a delightful confusion of talking and cooking,bustle, importance, and officiousness, as never canand visiting the confined; partly because it is highly desirablethat they should be initiated, at an early period, be enjoyed in its full extent but on similar occasions.into the more serious and matronly duties of after-life; In rivalry of these two institutions, and as a last expiringeffort to acquire parochial popularity, the child’sand partly, because prudent mammas have notunfrequently been known to turn this circumstance to examination people determined, the other day, on havinga grand public examination of the pupils; and thewonderfully good account in matrimonial speculations.In addition to the loan of the monthly boxes (which large school-room of the national seminary was, <strong>by</strong> andare always painted blue, with the name of the society with the consent of the parish authorities, devoted toin large white letters on the lid), the society dispense the purpose. Invitation circulars were forwarded to alloccasional grants of beef-tea, and a composition of warm the principal parishioners, including, of course, the headsbeer, spice, eggs, and sugar, commonly known <strong>by</strong> the of the other two societies, for whose especial behoofname of ‘candle,’ to its patients. And here again the and edification the display was intended; and a largeservices of the honorary members are called into requisition,and most cheerfully conceded. Deputations of The floor was carefully scrubbed the day before, underaudience was confidently anticipated on the occasion.twos or threes are sent out to visit the patients, and on the immediate superintendence of the three Miss Browns;these occasions there is such a tasting of candle and forms were placed across the room for the accommodationof the visitors, specimens in writing were carefullybeef-tea, such a stirring about of little messes in tinysaucepans on the hob, such a dressing and undressing selected, and as carefully patched and touched up, un-40

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