Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

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Charles Dickens<strong>by</strong> the Johnson Parkers. Their object was the same, and lous one, and, if anything, contributes, we should bewhy not have a joint meeting of the two societies? The disposed to say, rather more than its due share to theproposition was accepted. The meeting was duly heralded<strong>by</strong> public announcement, and the room was environs. The consequence is, that the monthly loanaggregate amount of births in the metropolis and itscrowded to suffocation. The Missionary appeared on the society flourishes, and invests its members with a mostplatform; he was hailed with enthusiasm. He repeated a enviable amount of bustling patronage. The societydialogue he had heard between two negroes, behind a (whose only notion of dividing time, would appear tohedge, on the subject of distribution societies; the approbationwas tumultuous. He gave an imitation of the drinkings, at which the monthly report is received, abe its allotment into months) holds monthly tea-two negroes in broken English; the roof was rent with secretary elected for the month ensuing, and such ofapplause. From that period we date (with one trifling the monthly boxes as may not happen to be out on loanexception) a daily increase in the popularity of the distributionsociety, and an increase of popularity, which We were never present at one of these meetings, fromfor the month, carefully examined.the feeble and impotent opposition of the examination all of which it is scarcely necessary to say, gentlemenparty, has only tended to augment.are carefully excluded; but Mr. Bung has been calledNow, the great points about the childbed-linen before the board once or twice, and we have his authorityfor stating, that its proceedings are conducted withmonthly loan society are, that it is less dependent onthe fluctuations of public opinion than either the distributionor the child’s examination; and that, come being allowed to speak at one time on any pretence what-great order and regularity: not more than four memberswhat may, there is never any lack of objects on which ever. The regular committee is composed exclusively ofto exercise its benevolence. Our parish is a very popu-married ladies, but a vast number of young unmarried39

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