Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

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<strong>Sketches</strong> <strong>by</strong> <strong>Boz</strong>evanishment of the hero of Oak Lodge, on this unexpectedrecognition, could only be equalled <strong>by</strong> that of aTHE BLACK VEILCHAPTER VIfurtive dog with a considerable kettle at his tail. All thehopes of the Maldertons were destined at once to melt ONE WINTER’S EVENING, towards the close of the year 1800,away, like the lemon ices at a Company’s dinner; Almack’s or within a year or two of that time, a young medicalwas still to them as distant as the North Pole; and Miss practitioner, recently established in business, was seatedTeresa had as much chance of a husband as Captain <strong>by</strong> a cheerful fire in his little parlour, listening to theRoss had of the north-west passage.wind which was beating the rain in pattering dropsYears have elapsed since the occurrence of this dreadful against the window, or rumbling dismally in the chimney.The night was wet and cold; he had been walkingmorning. The daisies have thrice bloomed on Camberwellgreen;the sparrows have thrice repeated their vernal through mud and water the whole day, and was nowchirps in Camberwell-grove; but the Miss Maldertons are comfortably reposing in his dressing-gown and slippers,still unmated. Miss Teresa’s case is more desperate than more than half asleep and less than half awake, revolvinga thousand matters in his wandering imagination.ever; but Flamwell is yet in the zenith of his reputation;and the family have the same predilection for aristocraticpersonages, with an increased aversion to any-how the cold, sharp rain would be at that moment beat-First, he thought how hard the wind was blowing, andthing low.ing in his face, if he were not comfortably housed athome. Then, his mind reverted to his annual Christmasvisit to his native place and dearest friends; he thoughthow glad they would all be to see him, and how happyit would make Rose if he could only tell her that he had372

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