Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

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<strong>Sketches</strong> <strong>by</strong> <strong>Boz</strong>‘Edward!’ she exclaimed, with a half-shriek, on seeingthe well-known nankeen legs.deserve your notice—you may remember that I oncecupy a place in your recollection—if any being, so vile,Fortunately, as Miss Maria Crumpton possessed no remarkableshare of penetration, and as it was one of the titled “Considerations on the Policy of Removing thepublished a pamphlet (and paid for its publication) en-diplomatic arrangements that no attention was to be Duty on Bees’-wax.”’paid to Miss Lavinia’s incoherent exclamations, she was ‘I do—I do!’ sobbed Lavinia.perfectly unconscious of the mutual agitation of the ‘That,’ continued the lover, ‘was a subject to whichparties; and therefore, seeing that the offer of his hand your father was devoted heart and soul.’for the next quadrille was accepted, she left him <strong>by</strong> the ‘He was—he was!’ reiterated the sentimentalist.side of Miss Brook Dingwall.‘I knew it,’ continued Theodosius, tragically; ‘I knew‘Oh, Edward!’ exclaimed that most romantic of all romanticyoung ladies, as the light of science seated him-Could I disclose my real name? Never! No, I assumedit—I forwarded him a copy. He wished to know me.self beside her, ‘Oh, Edward, is it you?’that name which you have so often pronounced in tonesMr. Theodosius assured the dear creature, in the most of endearment. As M’Neville Walter, I devoted myself toimpassioned manner, that he was not conscious of beinganybody but himself.in the same character I was ejected from your house <strong>by</strong>the stirring cause; as M’Neville Walter I gained your heart;‘Then why—why—this disguise? Oh! Edward M’Neville your father’s domestics; and in no character at all haveWalter, what have I not suffered on your account?’ I since been enabled to see you. We now meet again,‘Lavinia, hear me,’ replied the hero, in his most poetic and I proudly own that I am—Theodosius Butler.’strain. ‘Do not condemn me unheard. If anything that The young lady appeared perfectly satisfied with thisemanates from the soul of such a wretch as I, can oc-argumentative address, and bestowed a look of the most332

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