Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

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Charles Dickensher new quarters. True, there was no bright doctor of that Ms. Tibbs makes him clean the gentlemen’s boots;civil law to deliver a classical address on the occasion; and that he cleans the windows, too, sometimes; andbut there were several other old women present, who that one morning early, when he was in the front balconycleaning the drawing-room windows, he called outspoke quite as much to the purpose, and understood themselvesequally well. The chop-eater was so fatigued with to a gentleman on the opposite side of the way, whothe process of removal that she declined leaving her room used to live here—“Ah! Mr. Calton, sir, how are you?”’until the following morning; so a mutton-chop, pickle, a Here the attendant laughed till Mrs. Bloss was in seriousapprehension of her chuckling herself into a fit.pill, a pint bottle of stout, and other medicines, werecarried up-stairs for her consumption.‘Well, I never!’ said Mrs. Bloss.‘Why, what do you think, ma’am?’ inquired the inquisitiveAgnes of her mistress, after they had been in and-water sometimes; and then he cries, and says he hates‘Yes. And please, ma’am, the servants gives him gin-the house some three hours; ‘what do you think, ma’am? his wife and the boarders, and wants to tickle them.’the lady of the house is married.’‘Tickle the boarders!’ exclaimed Mrs. Bloss, seriously‘Married!’ said Mrs. Bloss, taking the pill and a draught alarmed.of Guinness—’married! Unpossible!’‘No, ma’am, not the boarders, the servants.’‘She is indeed, ma’am,’ returned the Columbine; ‘and ‘Oh, is that all!’ said Mrs. Bloss, quite satisfied.her husband, ma’am, lives—he—he—he—lives in the ‘He wanted to kiss me as I came up the kitchen-stairs,kitchen, ma’am.’just now,’ said Agnes, indignantly; ‘but I gave it him—‘In the kitchen!’a little wretch!’‘Yes, ma’am: and he—he—he—the housemaid says, This intelligence was but too true. A long course ofhe never goes into the parlour except on Sundays; and snubbing and neglect; his days spent in the kitchen,297

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