Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

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<strong>Sketches</strong> <strong>by</strong> <strong>Boz</strong>tons; white trousers, and that description of shoes familiarlyknown <strong>by</strong> the appellation of ‘high-lows.’ There allude to individuals (the ex-churchwarden continued,Such a man he now proposed (‘No,’ ‘Yes’). He would notwas a serenity in the open countenance of Bung—a in the celebrated negative style adopted <strong>by</strong> great speakers).He would not advert to a gentleman who had oncekind of moral dignity in his confident air—an ‘I wishyou may get it’ sort of expression in his eye—which held a high rank in the service of his majesty; he wouldinfused animation into his supporters, and evidently not say, that that gentleman was no gentleman; he woulddispirited his opponents.not assert, that that man was no man; he would notThe ex-churchwarden rose to propose Thomas say, that he was a turbulent parishioner; he would notSpruggins for beadle. He had known him long. He had say, that he had grossly misbehaved himself, not onlyhad his eye upon him closely for years; he had watched on this, but on all former occasions; he would not say,him with twofold vigilance for months. (A parishioner that he was one of those discontented and treasonablehere suggested that this might be termed ‘taking a spirits, who carried confusion and disorder wherever theydouble sight,’ but the observation was drowned in loud went; he would not say, that he harboured in his heartcries of ‘Order!’) He would repeat that he had had his envy, and hatred, and malice, and all uncharitableness.eye upon him for years, and this he would say, that a No! He wished to have everything comfortable and pleasant,and therefore, he would say—nothing about himmore well-conducted, a more well-behaved, a more sober,a more quiet man, with a more well-regulated mind, (cheers).he had never met with. A man with a larger family he The captain replied in a similar parliamentary style.had never known (cheers). The parish required a man He would not say, he was astonished at the speech theywho could be depended on (‘Hear!’ from the Spruggins had just heard; he would not say, he was disgustedside, answered <strong>by</strong> ironical cheers from the Bung party). (cheers). He would not retort the epithets which had24

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