Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

Sketches by Boz - Penn State University

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Charles Dickenssion to his very uninviting countenance. He was enjoyinga little relaxation from his sedentary pursuits a quar-drunken look of savage stupidity, aiming at the sameyourself!’ replies the gentleman addressed, with ater of an hour ago, in kicking his wife up the court. He time a blow at the woman which fortunately misses itshas come to redeem some tools:—probably to complete a object. ‘Go and hang yourself; and wait till I come andjob with, on account of which he has already received cut you down.’—’Cut you down,’ rejoins the woman, ‘Isome money, if his inflamed countenance and drunken wish I had the cutting of you up, you wagabond! (loud.)staggers may be taken as evidence of the fact. Having Oh! you precious wagabond! (rather louder.) Where’s yourwaited some little time, he makes his presence known <strong>by</strong> wife, you willin? (louder still; women of this class areventing his ill-humour on a ragged urchin, who, being always sympathetic, and work themselves into a tremendouspassion on the shortest notice.) Your poor dearunable to bring his face on a level with the counter <strong>by</strong>any other process, has employed himself in climbing up, wife as you uses worser nor a dog—strike a woman—and then hooking himself on with his elbows—an uneasyperch, from which he has fallen at intervals, gener-you, I would, if I died for it!’—’Now be civil,’ retorts theyou a man! (very shrill;) I wish I had you—I’d murderally alighting on the toes of the person in his immediate man fiercely. ‘Be civil, you wiper!’ ejaculates the womanvicinity. In the present case, the unfortunate little wretch contemptuously. ‘An’t it shocking?’ she continues, turninground, and appealing to an old woman who is peep-has received a cuff which sends him reeling to this door;and the donor of the blow is immediately the object of ing out of one of the little closets we have before described,and who has not the slightest objection to joingeneral indignation.‘What do you strike the boy for, you brute?’ exclaims in the attack, possessing, as she does, the comfortablea slipshod woman, with two flat irons in a little basket. conviction that she is bolted in. ‘Ain’t it shocking,‘Do you think he’s your wife, you willin?’ ‘Go and hang ma’am? (Dreadful! says the old woman in a parenthesis,191

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