HC/HC Today - Hellenic College

HC/HC Today - Hellenic College

HC/HC Today - Hellenic College


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<strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong><strong>Today</strong><strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong> and Holy CrossGreek Orthodox School of TheologyA ministry of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of AmericaVolume I, Fall 2008

How do you know when God calls?The story of unconditional faith byseminarian David Hostetler, a Holy CrossClass of 2011 student.Complete story on page 9.<strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong> <strong>Today</strong> is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement.Publisher’s headquarters is located at 50 Goddard Avenue, Brookline, MA 02445 Phone 617-731-3500Office of Institutional AdvancementGeorge A. Georgenes, DirectorSally Kaloyanides, Coordinator Carol Baughman, Data Manager Erica Soper, Special Assistant

4 What Is <strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong>?4What Is Holy Cross?5 From The Director6 Chapel Road NamingOpportunityContents6 Holy Cross Name Day7 Major Gift From Mary &Michael Jaharis8 What Is LOFOS?713 Dr. Demetrios Katos ReceivesResearch Grant14 Archbishop Iakovos LibraryAnd Learning Resource Center15 No Cost Gifts16 Get The Facts & FAQ’s9 Students Making A Difference -Seminarian David Hostetler10 <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong> Golf TournamentSnapshots11 Achilea & Anastasia ThomasStyliades Chair11 Michael & AnastasiaCantonis Chair12 Ladies Philoptochos Society -A Story Of Devotion & Faith1317 Can I Make A Difference?Cover - Archbishop Iakovos Library and Learning Resource Center Museum. Story on page 14.The dome in the museum recently received its magnificent iconographic decoration by celebrated Byzantine iconographer, George Filippakis.We graciously acknowledge and thank the generous steward who provided the funding for this publication.Pictures by Peggy Giovane, George Peet and Areti BratsisPeggy Giovane, Designer

What is <strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong>?What is Holy Cross?While both <strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong> and Holy Cross are distinct institutions of higher learning, one undergraduateand the other graduate, they share both an idyllic campus and a fundamental belief in the neccessityto build foundations in faith.<strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong> is the only faith based Orthodox undergraduate school in the western hemisphere.We offer courses in English, History, Management and Leadership, Biology, Environmental Sciences, WorldHistory, Personality Dynamics, Psychology, Byzantine Art, Architecture, Music and other interdisciplinarycourses. We also award to those students in good standing during their junior year a tuition-free year to studyabroad in Athens. We welcome men and women of diverse racial, religious and ethnic backgrounds to participateresponsibly in the life of an Orthodox Christian college community. <strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong> is accreditedby the New England Association of Schools and <strong>College</strong>s.Holy Cross is the only Greek Orthodox seminary in America. Our vital mission is to educate andprepare seminarians for ordination into the Holy Priesthood and service in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese.Holy Cross is also dedicated to helping lay people, both men and women, fulfill their calling in the Churchand society by providing them with a vital foundation in Orthodox theology that serves as an invaluableframework in life and work. Holy Cross students learn to integrate faith and reason, spirituality and criticaldiscourse, knowledge and skills, personal fulfillment and selfless service, in a manner that is rewarding toboth them and to those they serve. Holy Cross students may also take advantage of the tremendous resourcesavailable to them through the School’s membership in the prestigious Boston Theological Institute and itssister school relationships with the University of Athens, the University of Thessaloniki and Saint Vladimir’sOrthodox Theological Seminary.4

NMost of my adult life has been spent working inthe restaurant business. My grandfather opened many diners in thegreater Boston area after coming to America in the mid 1900’s. Asexpected, I followed in my grandfather, father and uncle’s footstepsand took over the business in 1990 after I graduated from Emerson<strong>College</strong>. Something, however, was missing.ChoicesAfter the 9/11 disaster, I took a hard look at my life. I had abeautiful wife and a young daughter whom I rarely saw due to mygruelling schedule. I wanted that to change. I wanted to sit downwith my family at dinner, to hear about my wife’s day, and enjoy mydaughter while she was still young. I wanted her to know her dad.I wanted my life to make a difference.Without hesitation, I left the business, but didn’t quite know what I wanted to do. I never had to think aboutthat. I received a call from James Karloutsos at <strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong> and Holy Cross. Jim explained that he had recentlyretired as principal of the JFK Elementary School in Boston after 30+ years, and was looking forward to retirement.Jim told me that two of his brothers, Fr. Alex and Fr. Peter, had gone on to serve the Church, and after 9/11, he realizedsomething was missing in his life too. It seemed that retirement had to go on the back burner. He accepted the role ofChief Operating Officer at <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong>, and he wanted me to join him.After many conversations, Jim convinced me to accept the job as Financial Aid Director. I figured, OK - I’lltake this just for now, until I decide what I really want to do. Six years later, after serving as Financial Aid Director,Director of Housing, and a host of various responsibilities, I was still here. I asked myself, why had I not moved on?Then it occurred to me that I was exactly where I was supposed to be. I had my life back, I had dinner with my family,I was my daughter’s hero, and I had a great place to work. I was part of something important. My life was making adifference. Funny how things work out....As fate would have it, the Office of Institutional Advancement was searching for a Director. Fr. Triantafilouoffered me the job and challenged me with the responsibility of letting the Orthodox community know about thegreat things we are doing at <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong>. Our first meeting consisted of only one thing - a prayer for me as I assumed mynew role. As I begin my journey, I am prepared to meet all the challenges ahead, and look forward to what the futurebrings.I have found that many people are unaware of who we areand what we do. This publication will allow us to keep you informedabout what’s happening at <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong>.As you will see in the following pages, there is a lot goingon! We have made great strides, but it’s only the beginning. I encourageyou to let us know what you would like to see in upcomingissues, as well as your comments and suggestions. After all, this isyour School!George A. GeorgenesDirector of Institutional Advancement5

The road every seminarian walks to the path of priesthoodNaming Opportunity now available for the Holy Cross Chapel roadway.Call George Georgenes at (617) 731-3500 for details.Holy Cross Name DayHoly Cross - Transformation!The name day of our school, The Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology,is held every year on September 14 th when the Orthodox Church celebrates the UniversalExaltation of the Life Giving Cross.This Feast commemorates the finding of the True Cross of our Lord and SaviorJesus Christ by Saint Helen, the mother of the Emperor Constantine in the year AD326 in Jerusalem. The Cross is the mark of change and a new life in Christ. Christtransformed it from an instrument of torture into a symbol of renewed life. For ourschool where future priests and lay leaders of the Church are formed, the Cross is thesymbol of transformation for all those who study here.At Holy Cross we rejoice in the transformation of the Holy Cross, allowing us to beready to serve our Church and society. Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theologyis a place of transformation and renewal for all those who come here through the graceof God and under the protection of the Life Giving Cross.6

Love for Orthodoxy and Hellenism sparkslargest gift in <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong> History<strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong> Bestows Honorary Degree on Michael & Mary JaharisAt the school’s 2008 commencement in May, thehonorary degree of Doctor of Humanities was conferredupon Mary Spyropoulos Jaharis and Michael Jaharis fortheir unwavering devotion and commitment to preservingand promoting their Christian Faith and <strong>Hellenic</strong> Heritage.Their generous philanthropic acts are directed at improvinghealth care, preserving and disseminating the ideals andartifacts of <strong>Hellenic</strong> Heritage and perpetuating GreekOrthodox Christianity.Mrs. Mary Jaharis, His Eminence Archbishop Demetriosand Mr. Michael Jaharis at <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong>’s 66th CommencementCeremoniesPhoto by George PeetMary and Michael Jaharis once again showed their exemplary generosity by announcing a $5million donation to <strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong> and Holy Cross, the largest single gift in the school’s history.“In appreciation for and recognition of the outstanding work that this school does in preservingand promoting Orthodoxy and Hellenism, my husband and I have decided to offer our support inorder to further enhance and increase the effectiveness of this work,” Mary Jaharis told those inattendance as she announced the unprecedented gift.Photo by George PeetThe gift will be used to endow theArchbishop Demetrios Chair of the NewTestament and the Mary Jaharis ByzantineArt Institute. The Institute for Byzantine Artsand Culture will focus on five key areas ofByzantine interest and research: Iconography,Artifacts, Architecture, Literature and Music.The expectation for the Institute is that it willbecome a premier national and internationalresearch center focused on the arts of theByzantine era.7

What is LOFOS?As a member of the Holy Cross class of 1968, Fr. Petros Kopsahilisnever forgot the financial challenges he faced as a student.Upon graduating, he vowed that if he was ever in a position to doso, he would help ease the financial burden of students at <strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong>and Holy Cross.Photo by Areti BratsisIn 2003, as a staff member of our School, he fulfilled his vow, establishing the <strong>Hellenic</strong><strong>College</strong> and Holy Cross annual giving program, known as LOFOS - League of FaithfulOrthodox Stewards.The League of Faithful Orthodox Stewards is a dedicated group of Orthodox Christians whohave responded to the call to become partners in stewardship for the advancement of Orthodox Christianhigher education.Gifts made to LOFOS support the School’s current operations and provide much-neededbudget relief, and support essential items such as financial aid, academic support, the Archbishop IakovosLibrary and Learning Resource Center and the maintenance of campus buildings and grounds.It is our goal to increase donations this year by ten percent.Please consider a gift to LOFOS which will help fulfill the vital mission of <strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong>and Holy Cross, which is to recruit, educate and train Christ-centered clergy and lay leaders for servicein our Church and the world.Photo by Areti BratsisMrs. Eula Carlos of Atlanta, Georgia became the founding member ofLOFOS and provided a compelling start to this noble endeavor with herextremely generous principal gift of $1 million.Mrs. Carlos fulfilled her pledge in December of 2007.Thank You!8

Students Making a DifferenceI can’t believe I quit my jobat the power plant……My wife Nora and I had noidea what to expect next. I had been working ata nuclear power plant in Illinois while she workedat raising our two sons, Isaac (who is now 7 yearsold) and Joel (now 5), but we both felt God wascalling us to the seminary at Holy Cross.After being accepted, other concerns arose.Can we sell the house? How will we pay for tuitionand expenses? Are we doing the right thing?It was an awesome and fearful moment when weplaced ourselves utterly into the hands of theAlmighty.David Hostetler, Holy Cross Class of 2011 and family.Trusting in God’s providence and protection, we put our home up for sale. A week laterwe had an offer, and a month later we closed on the house and received our first scholarshipaward. I left my job and we packed up our boys and our lives and headed for Brookline,MA.Now a year later, Isaac completed the first grade and Joel is anticipating his start inkindergarten, and both have finished Greek school for this year. Nora has, after a sevenyearhiatus prompted by Isaac’s birth, begun editing again,. She is working for the HolyCross Press and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. I have completed a little morethan a year’s worth of theological training and have started a summer job as a baseballumpire. On top of all this we welcomed a new member of the family, Justyn Nicholas, bornon April 18 th , the last day of Lent before an extraordinary Holy Week.God has richly blessed us and provided for us throughout this amazing year. We havereceived support from unexpected sources at moments of critical need, and we feel theconstant presence of the prayers of friends, both known and unknown to us.Our prayer is that people will continue to allow God to move them into support ofseminarian training and that He will make us worthy of such generosity.9

Snapshots from the 2008 <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong> Golf ClassicJuly 28th - Kernwood Country Club - Salem, MA10TheAnnual Golf Classic is <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong>’s major summer fund raising event.We just celebrated our 16th successful tournament!

The Achilea & Anastasia Thomas StyliadesChair of Pastoral Theology and CareJames and Lillian Thomas StyliadesJames and Lillian Thomas Styliades are exemplary stewards of our faith, who alwayslook to the “things that are unseen and eternal” in the work and mission of theirprecious Greek Orthodox Church and Her Institutions of Mission, Charity, Philanthropyand Higher Education. It is this special gift that keeps this loving Orthodox Christianfamily heavily committed and involved in countless fronts of stewardship.Their gift of $1.5 million to our beloved Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology and Seminary wasmade in loving memory of James’ parents, Achilea and Anastasia Thomas Styliades.Fr. Nicholas Triantafilou, President of <strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong> and Holy Cross, stated “Our Church worldwidewill be advanced through the ministries that blossom forth from this Chair of study, research and teaching. Ourparishes throughout the Archdiocese will be significantly edified through the knowledge that our priests will receiveand through which our seminarians will be fortified.”Michael and Anastasia CantonisChair of Byzantine StudiesOn September 12, 2007 <strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong> and Holy Cross held an afternoonforum marking the commencement of the Michael G. and Anastasia Cantonis Chairof Byzantine Studies and the most generous gift of $2 million from the Cantonisfamily,George CantonisThe inaugural holder of the chair is Dr. James Skedros, who has been teaching at <strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong> andHoly Cross since 1998. The event was attended by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, Mr. George Cantonis,son of Michael and Anastasia, Dr. Alice-Mary Talbot (Director of Byzantine Studies, Dumbarton Oaks), and administration,faculty, staff, students and guests.The day’s events highlighted the importance for <strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong> and Holy Cross of the opening of theCantonis Chair. In addition to securing a permanent place for the teaching of Byzantine Studies at <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong>, theCantonis endowment will provide support for publication, research, and conferences in the area of Byzantinestudies.11

Ladies Philoptochos Society110100100010000100000$1000000A story of devotion and faithIn the beginning Archbishop Athenagoras directed the Philoptochos to devotethemselves to the theological school “where your children will be educated asteachers and priests.Since those inception years, the Ladies Philoptochos was in the forefront ofactivity to aid <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong> in its vitally important programs.For up to one-hundred years, the philanthropic endeavors of the LadiesPhiloptochos have reflected a genuine expression of Christian charity.Thousands of students have since graduated from <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong>. Many havegone on to faithfully serve our Church as ordained hierarchs, priests,deacons and lay leaders, female and male.Tens of thousands of financial aid scholarship dollars have beenprovided to <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong> students by the Ladies Philoptochos Society.Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been given by the Ladies PhiloptochosSociety for capital improvements on the campus of <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong>.More than ONE MILLION DOLLARS has been generously granted to<strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong> by the Ladies Philoptochos Society since 2000.Thank You!12

Dr. Demetrios S. Katosreceives prestigiousresearch grantDr. Demetrios S. Katos, assistant professor of ReligiousStudies at <strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong> & Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School ofTheology, is one of seven scholars from throughout the United Statesto be named a Henry Luce III Fellow in Theology for 2008-2009. Theaward is one of the premier fellowships for theological scholarship.As a Luce Fellow, Katos will receive a sabbatical leave of absence for the next academic year towrite his book, Palladius of Helenopolis: An Origenist and His Tradition in the Fifth Century. Katos isa specialist in Christianity of late antiquity, and his book explores the writings of Palladius, a relativelyunknown bishop of Asia Minor in the early fifth century.Established in 1993, the program of the Henry Luce III Fellows in Theology supports theresearch of junior and senior scholars whose projects offer significant and innovative contributions totheological studies. The program fosters excellence in theological scholarship, and strengthensthe links among theological research, churches, and wider publics. The program is highlycompetitive and lists among its alumni some of the most distinguished names in academic theology.In addition to his responsibilities at <strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong> & Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Schoolof Theology, Katos is a widely sought after speaker and author of popular essays. He serves astreasurer of the Orthodox Theological Society in America, and as a board member of the Stephenand Catherine Pappas Patristic Institute at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Hisrecent scholarly publications include “Socratic Dialogue or Forensic Debate? Judicial Rhetoric andStasis Theory in the Dialogue on the Life of St. John Chrysostom,” (Vigiliae Christianae, 2007),“Humility as the Harbinger of Imageless Prayer in the Lausiac Histor,” (St. Vladimir’s TheologicalQuarterly, 2007) and “Origenists in the Desert: Palladius of Helenopolis and the AlexandrianTheological Tradition,” (American Benedictine Review, 2005).Congratulations Dr. Katos!13

Archbishop IakovosLibrary & Learning Resource CenterThe Archbishop Iakovos Library & Learning Resource Center stands as atestimony to the life-long love of His Eminence Archbishop Iakovos for <strong>Hellenic</strong><strong>College</strong>/Holy Cross as the premier academic institution of the Archdiocese.The Library, with its excellent resources and holdings specializing inOrthodox and Greek studies, including a significant rare book collection, serves theneeds of the faculty, students and broader scholarly community. The top floor of theLibrary houses The Archbishop Iakovos Collection, a permanent exhibition of HisEminence’s personal effects reflecting his 37 years of distinguished and enlightenedleadership of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America.Recently, the interior of the dome on this floor received its magnificenticonographic decoration, the work of the celebrated Byzantine iconographer,George Filippakis.14Wewelcome you to visit <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong> and theArchbishop Iakovos Collection when in Boston.Call us for a tour of our campus and the Collection!

The Charitable BequestA No-Cost GiftMany, if not most, feel a responsibility tosupport charitable causes and institutions they believemake a difference. Many also wonder howto provide support that makes an impact in lightof competing demands on financial and philanthropicresources.There is a way to make a gift thatcosts nothing today but can have asignificant impact down the road -the charitable bequest.Those who have provided for <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong>in their estate plans know there are numerousstraight-forward approaches to doing so. Amongthe most common is to simply name the Schoolthe beneficiary of a percentage of one’s estate,which in growing in value over the course of alifetime can result in a truly magnificent gift uponone’s death.If you would like to learn about how tocreate a bequest that offers permanent recognitionfor your support, such as through an endowmentfund, space, or program, please contact the Officeof Institutional Advancement at (617) 731-3500.15

• Holy Cross is the only Greek Orthodox theological school in the western hemisphere.• <strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong> is the only Orthodox undergraduate school in the western hemisphere.• Holy Cross is the major source of Greek Orthodox clergy - hierarchs, priests, deacons,chanters, lay diaconate and both male and female lay pastoral assistants.• Holy Cross is a source of future Orthodox professors for colleges and universities throughoutthe world.Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Is my donation tax deductible?A: YES! Gifts to <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong> are tax deductible to the fullest extent provided by law and may be made in the form of a check,stock transfer or credit card.Q: Why is an annual gift necessary?A: <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong> needs your support. Our annual giving program is necessary to sustain the enriched academic programs,faculty development, overall operating expenses, annual student scholarships and special programs that contribute to theeducational experience at <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong>.Q: Will my gift really make a difference?A: The answer is YES! Your gift will truly make a difference to students who have dedicated their lives to servingGod.Q: How large is the Institution’s endowment and why can’t more funds be used tofund the education of a seminarian?A: For the school year ended June 30, 2007, the Institution reported approximately $24.8 million in the endowment. Ofthis, approximately $16.1 million represents principal gifts with the balance reflecting appreciation from investments.Thirty-three (33) percent of the endowment gifts have been raised over the last seven years, but it is not enough.Of the monies raised through 2007, $10.4 million of these gifts were designated by the donors to be used for scholarships.Further donor imposed restrictions limit the type of recipient who can receive scholarship support based upon academicconcentration, performance, financial need and/or location of the student’s home. As a result, not all scholarship aid is16available to a seminarian.

Dear Friends,I’m writing today to invite you to really make a difference.Some people who donate their time, energy or money often wonder if it really mattered. <strong>Today</strong>,you can be sure that you made an absolute difference in a young man or woman’s journey to serve theChurch.The typical student arriving at <strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong> and Holy Cross did not initially intend to selectthe Church as their vocation. Many have degrees in education, public service, government, law anda multitude of other professions. Something, however, was missing. They felt the call to serve theChurch, and have followed that calling to our beloved seminary.Some students arrive here with no idea how they will pay for their education, accompanied withthe burden of uprooting their families, as did David Hostetler (page 9), in order to start all over again.As strong as their faith is, reality reminds them that they have responsibilities that must be met.<strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong> depends on the financial support of our donors to sustain our School - the only GreekOrthodox theological school and the only Orthodox undergraduate school in the western hemisphere.It goes without saying that we need your help. Net tuition, fees, room and board approximate 15% ofour total revenues. The remainder must come from generous contributions from the stewards of ourfaith.I invite you today to join LOFOS, the League of Faithful Orthodox Stewards. You will become apart of a community that values the cultivation of knowledge, faith and service as fundamental virtuesfor leadership in a complex and changing world. So please, right now while everything is in front of you,take a minute to write your tax-deductible check to <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong> and return it in the self-addressed, stampedenvelope.With many thanks,George A. GeorgenesDirector of Institutional AdvancementP.S. As you reflect upon your life, ask yourself: Have I made a difference? Please take this opportunityto make an absolute difference to future laypersons and seminarians studying for the priesthood whohave dedicated their lives to Christ.For all gifts of $100 or more, you will receive the Lord’s Prayer, which has been laser engraved on a solid wood plaque.17

Office of Institutional Advancement<strong>Hellenic</strong> <strong>College</strong> & Holy CrossGreek Orthodox School of Theology50 Goddard Avenue Brookline, MA 02445EmailWant to learn more about <strong>HC</strong><strong>HC</strong>?WebPhoneMaildevelopment@hchc.eduwww.hchc.edu(617) 731-350050 Goddard AvenueBrookline, MA 02445

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